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  1. Hey I'm looking to make a budget build pc. I've provided the link to my PC part picker list. I was wondering if there were any suggestions to make it a little cheaper. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/7XhYpb
  2. Here's the link to what I have: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/mhxgf8 I'm looking for something with a good upgrade path. I'm aiming for high settings at 1080p in recent triple A games. I'm not sure exactly what chipset to go with to allow for future upgradability.
  3. Hey guys, I took what you guys had to say and modified my list a lot. How does this look? http://pcpartpicker.com/p/4XL9qs. The monitor isn't that much of concern I'll probably be getting an old monitor from one of my friends. The one online is just roughly how much I'm gonna have to pay him for the old one. I'm looking to keep the cost around $1000 including the monitor and keyboard/mouse. The main focus is something that's future-proof. Thank your for your help.
  4. Thanks guys. Another question I had is if the sata cables for storage will come with the drives. He really liked the case so he wanted to stick to that one. He's gonna be playing mostly new triple A games. Looking for something that would run 1080p at 144hz well.
  5. Hey guys, I'm helping my friends brother build a new micro atx gaming computer. Here's the parts list. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/wZ4nsY . The only things I don't plan on changing are the case and keyboard/mouse combo. Everything else is subject to change. I was wondering if I could get some help picking out components. I'm trying to keep at around $1000 or less. Thank you for your help. Regards, Zipherean