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  1. I currently have a gtx 970 in my gaming rig and have enough money to upgrade to a 1060 or rx480. Should I upgrade to one of those now or wait for some high end polaris gpus to come in?
  2. or what about an upgrade to 1070... will it be worth
  3. My pc currently has an intel core i5 6500 and a gtx 970. I have gathered enough funds for a 1060. Will it be worth the upgrade?
  4. My current setup is dell basic keyboard, Logitech G402 gaming mouse and a Sades SA-901 headset.
  5. Is this build balanced http://pcpartpicker.com/p/w8sGvK
  6. I am building a new gaming pc around the budget of $600 and i am confused to choose between athlon x4 860k and pentium g3258. Which one i should go for? Here is my build from pc part picker