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Everything posted by Trevor87

  1. Try and keep it the same DDR3 that you have in your pc with timing and mhz but if you the cant find it close spec ram will do just make sure it does have it lower then you have in already
  2. Why not see if you can get second hand DDR3 ram from free geek if there one near by. DDR4 won't work and also now your board is getting to the No support point.
  3. Big cable is the data cable and the small cable is for the back light that as far as got.
  4. Big cable is the data cable and the small cable is for the back light
  5. If it pre built system give us the make and model and what psu you have ? If you built it give us the model and make of the MOB and case and PSU ? And what card you are planing to get ?
  6. Again your system is 3 Gen I3 witch is a lot newer and has more power to the 1 Gen i 3 witch they made the game. I dont want to confuse him to much. I leave it there.
  7. Comparing it with his gen processor so he would basically have to look at second and mob with cpu and ram.
  8. Just read your comment again sorry about that the crew you only be able to run on low settings with your build at the moment it looks like heavy cpu game
  9. Then go with the 750 ti the Gtx 770 you need about 550 watt power supply.
  10. What is 770 a 2GB or 4 GB ?
  11. Clean the contacts of the cable and it socket just be careful. Also make sure the cable secure it sounds like the cable not in the socket right.
  12. It should just slide back in the way its was just be careful when you but it back not to crunch it.
  13. If it DDR4 ram you shouldn't have problem. I would upgrade the ram later down the road when prices stabilize then can you take full advantage of you system.
  14. Maybe contact there customer support and ask what they recommend for video settings.
  15. Please move the thread to the right place you are new so I think we let you off this time. If you can @leadeater he or she is new probably does not know where to post yet. Can you move it to the right place
  16. Yea most decent schools run a lot of security to prevent people on there network or students running programs they shouldn't. I know this because I need to know this for work. I can't talk to much about it. But you have no chance of running a VPN.
  17. The best thing would be to do is make windows usb stick then install every thing on your Dell.
  18. If you going for I9 it would make seance to go with a 1070 Ti or 1080 or 1080 Ti okay cool I see it now he miss typed it at the begging didn't see the parts list witch looks good.
  19. To be save what ever build you go for change the power supply if your going to but in a gpu.