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Taf the Ghost

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Everything posted by Taf the Ghost

  1. There can entirely be context that she's conveniently ignored for everything she put in the thread rendering the complaints null & void and defamatory of LMG and specific employees there. Even the groping allegation could have been someone catching her as she's about to fall down the stairs, but in a decayed mental state, at the time, the memories got twisted in weird, self-affirming directions. I don't want to drag on the Woman, but her own statements mean her testimony of facts are going to be suspect. A lot of the people in these threads have clearly never dealt with anyone that's in a terrible mental space. Realities get invented that never happened. This is why the Late Night Twitter Thread is almost never the way to deal with any sort of situation like this. She lobbed grenades at LMG and its employees. She best hope none come back to blow up in her face. Also, she could have outright named the direct manager she had, who's the one employee of LMG that's central to all of this. They weren't worth mentioning by name? Or the employees that harassed her? There's a reason I've been saying this isn't going to end well for 90+ pages.
  2. Or, former employee that has a personal axe to grind about not being supported in her personal content creator career, that has taken vague shots at the company for 18 months, makes declarative statements of Canadian employment law violations about Linus when the company is in a negative PR space. She also publicly stated to have been in a bad mental state from before the start of her employment and taken to self-harm from an inability to cope with whatever her issues were. It's almost as if one can very easily see a disgruntled former employee taking an opportunity of revenge for what they perceived to be injuries to them at a time where they can inflict the most damage. Narratives can cut many ways. What's to say she hasn't just defamed a bunch of people because her mental health was terrible and she took everything out of context that was said to her for a time? There's a reason people shouldn't jump to conclusions with just a vague accusation.
  3. Aren't text-based word association algos wonderful?
  4. Per her own thread, her mental state was very bad at the start because of the death of her brother, she had consistent focus issues and eventually stabbed (cut?) herself to take a day off. You aren't in those mental places if your physical health isn't already fairly poor. She needed professional help and likely a different job regardless of any other issues that may have arisen.
  5. She's accused the management of violations of BC Worker's Rights laws. There's a couple of agencies, part of the BC government, that handle these types of cases directly. There's also criminal complaints that may or may not have been available. None of which would require her to hire her own lawyers. I feel like everyone has forgotten that the Activision stuff came to light because of a long running State of California investigation of the company. Madison lives & works in a Western country. There's are boatloads of agencies that deal with things. How well, obviously, is up for debate, but she has yet to take that direction. Though if there's one criticism that can be laid at LMG's feet, it's probably pretty clear no one noticed her in severe mental destress over a long period of time, unless she was really good at acting around it or compartmentalizing it.
  6. Madison is a Canadian citizen. A lot of us thought she was an American when she first popped around. She was in the States with family. So this is also Canadian Citizen vs Canadian Company, so it's under those legal jurisdictions.
  7. There's also government (non-police) organizations in BC to handle employee issues. She clearly knows they exist, per her response to the LMG response to her Glassdoor post. She clearly has an axe to grind about the contract and restrictions on her streaming career (which is fully understandable), but how you redress your grievances matters. She claims to be in a better mental space, but she also has not taken any proactive actions that are completely available to her. This wasn't the way and it's why you should never late night Twitter Thread things.
  8. BC literally has protected reporting through government agencies for work place issues. But she took to Twitter because she has other axes to grind about her time at the company. (She signed a contract she didn't like, which is understandable to be annoyed about.)
  9. It's entirely possible Madison had a bad (possibly civil law violating) experience with a manager or employees that may or may not still be there. But the more I look at this, there's basically no way she hasn't committed Defamation. She's saying a lot of people knew, no one was responding to complaints and that Linus, specifically, ignored the problem. LMG has had a full HR department for a number of years, which means they have a full file on her time at the company. She has also publicly confirmed to having serious mental health issues throughout the duration of her employment at LMG. Everyone else at LMG, at the time, is likely to have a very different perspective on their interactions with her. And, because she was on the social media side, LMG will have a lot of video of her interactions with people. This isn't going to end well for anyone.
  10. No one has popped up with full understanding of the BC Criminal and Civil Codes. Generally, she has accused the company, LMG, of some sort of violation of Worker's Rights. And one of her posts implies Linus directly violated at least civil laws. Criminal stuff would require more, well, Canadian legal insight.
  11. This post from her is possibly the most damning to her position. She clearly understood their were legal avenues she could take. And the part about "at least partially aware of the treatment" is a declaratory statement of BC worker's rights violations. People aren't grasping how much liability she machine-gunned out in the middle of the night. It's why I really don't think this is going to end well for her. Edit: looks like the DDoSing of the server is back.
  12. Unions have never, in their history, been about the Workers as their first priority. They're political organizations to gain power via control of a large group of people. There's a lot of gaslighting about the early unionization and how "horrible" the response from the companies was. This ignores that Unions started as somewhere between a Mafia and a Gang. Which is why Unionization didn't rise, at least in the States, until strong legal structures were put in place and the union organizers learned to actually put the interests of those they claim to represent high on their priority list. American private sector unionization only really lasted about 30 years. Late 40s to late 70s. Because, since they had a lot of money in those pension accounts, it attracted a whole lot of corruption. Because, again, they're political organizations first. (And badly structured ones, at that.) There are unions and even countries, where it works. Because Collective Payment Structures are actually a solid thing for large scale companies. (You can look at Japan and Germany, then compare it to everywhere else.) Other ones that work are around Professional Sport Leagues, because it's actually 2 very small organizations negotiating together. (Though anyone that knows US Pro Sports knows there's way, way too much backscratching between the Unions and Leagues.)
  13. I find the constant Union Posting on the forums/around LMG/LTT both funny and annoying. Unions are first, foremost and always political organizations. They only operate well if they're small, tightly run and have very limited scope. Otherwise they're corrupt, massive failures. There's a reason private unions are almost completely dead in the USA. (Unions fail some of the most basic Political Theory reasons around pure democratic systems. It isn't rocket science why they rarely work well.) But it's also clear that's there's a large enough chunk of people that think Unions are some spiritual blessing and/or a vehicle for their own power.
  14. They have an HR team and have for a while. It's even come up on WAN about injuries and reporting requirements. Madison has made declarative statements about violation of BC employment law, from what I can tell. And she's known she could file these even back as far as the Glassdoor post, which was a while ago. There's a reason I don't think this ends well for Madison, and this is definitely why you don't late night Twitter post about major legal issues.
  15. You acted like an adult that saw something was amiss. That's the issue and why this is a massive mess with little in the way of good outcomes. I've also realized over the last couple of years that "Grow the F*** Up" is a really good insult because that's really where a lot of problems arise. It's about taking responsibility for what you can control and acting accordingly. One of the massive holes Madison has dug herself into is confirming she was the Glassdoor poster and she had read the LMG response to the Glassdoor post. She said this made he angry. The LMG response specifically mentioned the reality of Government Legal Recourse. The company is in BC. She wouldn't need a lawyer to sue. There's a government agency to handle most of this stuff if it wasn't addressed internally. She's apparently competent enough to give an explanation of the work environment issues, but not to either call or email an authority that could actually redress her grievances. Still. Over a year later. Having had a chance to think over the entirety of her thread, there's an even worse read, for her, that's pretty clear. This is why you don't Late Night Twitter Thread, especially emotion dumping bad experiences.
  16. Agreed. I'm not Canadian nor from BC, but my read of the government posted worker's right information is Madison has haphazardly claimed LMG is guilty of multiple legal violations, along with multiple staff members not following Canadian and BC law. And she was clearly far more upset about the damage she believes they did to her social media career. She isn't in the States. This isn't an American Company and American citizens going at it on Social Media, where it's basically Defamation for Everyone because it's very difficult to run those types of cases in a public setting in the States. (It's unbalanced right now due to SCOTUS cases.) This is a bunch of Canadians under Canadian Defamation and Worker's Right law. This is very different standards from what tends to pop off on Social Media. This is why you don't emotion dump on Twitter, late at night. She's lobbed a hand grenade and nothing good will come of this.
  17. Part of my Mantra of "don't post Twitter Threads, especially late at night" is also functional. Bot networks are absolutely a thing. Don't think the thread about the GN Video wasn't swarmed with a lot of those first-time posters being Swarm Director controlled accounts. (The high end networks have been this hybrid Automate/Manual system for a long time now, basically like a Call Center spamming out numbers.) Part of those bot networks is insults, abuse & threats. "Going Public" on Social Media is to attract the attention of entire Bot User Base on the platform. Twitter generally having the worst of them. If whatever calculations they use say to sling abuse at the person, they're going to swarm them with more hate than you can imagine. There idiots, assholes and edge lords in the world. There's also 100s of millions of bot accounts. This is also why I mentioned, in another post, that emotion dumping on social media isn't good for the mental health. Doing it on Twitter can drive you into a very dark place because of the nature of the platform.
  18. They wouldn't have known about the Madison issue by the time the video was done. Also, does anyone seriously think there's going to be anything but lawyer responses to what Madison wrote?
  19. She's saying the company violated BC Law, as far as I can read it. In a late night Twitter thread, while the company is already in a negative PR environment. While knowing there are Government-run legal remedies to the negative actions against her and not taking them. She fired a legal shot at LMG and they'll be forced to respond in kind. Gee, it's almost as if the response might actually ruin someone if they're not completely buttoned up in their accusation. There's a reason I keep repeating you don't start late night Twitter threads.
  20. She had no reason to say anything beyond "things didn't work out the way I wanted". She did axe grinding and I really hope it doesn't completely ruin her, because she made some very serious accusations.
  21. Agreed. It's an unfortunate. But she also stated her mental state was bad to start the job because of her brother's death. (RIP) Which makes it's perfectly reasonable to think that rather than the job causing the issue, it was simply stress in general of having to work while already in a compromised state that went further and further. Which is what caused all of the communication issues, and it changes the context of all of her interactions. If there's actually a strong criticism to the laid, assuming she wasn't just really good at hiding it, it was no one noticing she clearly wasn't in a state she should be doing the job. (It's entirely possible she compartmentalized it so well no one would notice.) But it doesn't change the reality that someone that's command decision making had fallen that far is going to have a spotless memory of the situation. Which is why you don't "let it out" on a Twitter thread in the middle of the night. (Also, it's not clear if she slashed her leg at work or not. If at work, is that not working comp fraud? See, this is why you don't do these threads.)
  22. It isn't a lawsuit. It's a formal complaint to work through the BC Government. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/careers-myhr/all-employees/working-with-others/address-a-respectful-workplace-issue/launch-a-formal-complaint There's the directions. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/careers-myhr/all-employees/working-with-others/address-a-respectful-workplace-issue/address-sexual-harassment There's guidelines. I see this weird aspect where everyone is thinking 1) LMG is American and 2) Worker's Rights cases are purely person-to-company Civil Matters. There's a host of government actions to be started in most Western countries. Edit: and, from the 2nd link, why I said Madison is going to get herself in a lot of trouble. She's making statements about their handling (lack of reporting?) issues. This is why you don't do late night Twitter threads.
  23. You crush them, force them to capitulate and issue a renouncement. You don't come away cleanly (that's the power of Asymmetric Social Attack Vectors), but it's entirely possible to weather the storm and come out on top. It just requires a level of clinical response to the situation.
  24. It's terrible for a person's mental health, but if you have no actual personal connections you can trust, it can seem like a good idea. It isn't. It never is. Even in the most charitable view of the person making the statements, it's only their perspective shoved into not a lot of words with very little context. It's starting a fight, one way or the other. And forcing an entity to respond is normally the worst idea. Because there's now employees that worked with her that will be forced to defend their reputations, which comes at the cost of person making the statements. (This is functionally why there's laws against Brandishing Weapons. You force the other party into a reaction.)
  25. Listed a lot of things, a number which doesn't help her position. She has an obvious issue over the contract and everything around that, but she also has admitted to being in such bad general mental health that she stabbed herself to go to the ER. She clearly was not of "sound mind" for a chunk of her time at LMG, which puts everything they did into a very different context. It also makes her an "unreliable narrator" in the public discussion. What you don't do is make declarative statements about violation of BC law in the middle of complaining about the fact you had regularly communication issues with staff and management. This is an absolute mess, but LMG will basically not comment except maybe to deny any wrongdoing.