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  1. MY FAH Client seems to have a stuck download for the last hour or so for the CPU project. Is there anything I can do or just wait on it?
  2. I want to thank everyone for bringing LTT over the 100 billion per month and that we are closer than every to CureCoin!!!!! Let's see what we can do to overtake CureCoin!
  3. Hello Everybody, I am looking for some advice. This idea was spawned when Linus and Luke built the 18 core Xeon and Titan X in the SG13 in this video but I am not a budget and reusing some parts from my current system in the SG13 system. PC Parts Picker http://pcpartpicker.com/p/NGZG7P I know that all of my components will fit if I use the H80i AIO Cooling on the CPU and just let the GPU take care of itself but I want to fully water cool both of them. From what I have found the H80i is not expandable and I am not even sure if its radiator could handle all of the heater from the CPU and GPU. Has anyone ever tried to fully water cool in an SG13 before? The parts that I will be carrying over are the GTX970 and a Samsung Evo SSD. I am wondering if there is a narrower PSU that I can use to put a radiator on the side vent? Any advice would be appreciated.
  4. I would like a new SSD since I am getting ready to attempt to build a full water cooling system in an SG13B and everything should be on SSD's since HDD's have way to many reliability issues.