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  • CPU
    Intel Core i7 5960X
  • Motherboard
    Asus X99-E WS
  • RAM
    Corsair Dominator 64GB DDR4 (8x8GB) 2666MHz
  • GPU
    2x Nvidia Titan X
  • Case
    Corsair 750D
  • Storage
    2x Samsung 960 Pro 512GB NVMe
  • PSU
    Corsair AX1200i
  • Display(s)
    2x LG 31MU97
  • Cooling
    Corsair H115i
  • Keyboard
    Logitech G710+
  • Mouse
    Logitech Performance MX Master
  • Operating System
    Windows 10 Pro

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  1. I understand your perspective, however I believe there is another reason why Samsung is trying to hide this. After the whole Note 7 case, Samsung was pushing users onto the S7. This could ultimately lead to the end of Samsung if this is a manufacturing error. Here are a few photos of what it looks like: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=samsung+galaxy+s7+camera+glass+breaking&num=20&safe=strict&rlz=1C5CHFA_enAU726AU726&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi3pq3j4JDSAhWCgbwKHQ_GBK4Q_AUICigD&biw=1280&bih=726#imgrc=9vX7wVKqnIHCHM: If you google it, there are several thousand other cases that are similar to mine. Co incidence?
  2. I was using a case, it definitely wasn't a lifeproof case. However, it is mostly made out of rubber. From what I found, the case protects the phone well.
  3. My apologies. I didn't mean to cause any harm. However, I just wanted to make a post about what I feel is an issue.
  4. Did you read what I wrote about? I made no reference to a battery...
  5. Thank you for sharing that with me, I would definitely need to use this. I understand your perspective about it not fitting the format, however this is still technically a "review" of the phone. It doesn't directly relate to this format, however could still fit.
  6. Well I guess you could say that, but the repair cost $265 AUD (about $200 USD)
  7. G'day all My Galaxy S7's camera lens shattered due to extreme heat that was experienced in Sydney (Australia). Upon further investigation online, it is evident that there are thousands of similar cases to mine. However, many of these issues are in the United States. It should be noted that the crack looks like a bullet hole, with shattered edges surrounding it. There are no notable dents around the exterior of the phone. I took the phone to the Samsung Experience Store (I don't know if that exists anywhere else). The technician looked at my phone, and told me that the repair would be $265. The Australian Consumer Law states that: - Any mobile device (such as a phone) has at least a 2 year parts and labor warranty. - Any manufacturing errors that cause damage is covered by the manufacturer. We conducted a Samsung VOC (Voice of Consumer) and took the issue into head office. Their reply was that they can repair the phone labor free, with the repair costing $199. I personally don't know how it costs $77 per cm2 of glass. A few days after that, we took our case to the Department of Fair Trading. However, Fair Trading in Australia only deals with contract disputes, not warranty claims. Therefore our last stop was to visit the Tribunal. After paying the $48 fee to lodge a claim, we are told that our case would visit the Civil Court in Sydney. I thought I would just make this public service announcement. If anyone has a similar case, be sure to write to me. I would love to hear your story. Ultimately my question is, "Should Samsung take better class action?". I do know that Apple would have fixed the issue free of charge. But again, a Samsung phone won't do much in an Apple Store.
  8. Civilisation 5 seems to also work fine, same with Grid Autosport... however they aren't Source games.
  9. G'day all, Starting yesterday, whenever I would load into a game of CS, immediately I would receive 3fps. My PC Parts are as follows: - Intel Core i5 4590 - Gigabyte B85M-HD3 - Gigabyte GTX 750 - 4GB DDR3 1333MHz - 500GB 5400RPM When I disconnect from CS, then reconnect again, I receive 100 frames (still well under what I would usually get). On the "buy" screen, I have about 10 fps, which isn't usually what I get. On the home screen, I get about 20 fps. Yet, when I do an offline game with bots, I still get 450fps? What I have tried: - Lowering my video settings. - Reinstalling CS:GO. - Changing my monitor. Please help I'm from Australia, and as you may know, we are currently on school holidays.
  10. Difference between Gigabits, Gigabytes, Gibbibytes, and why hardware/software uses different forms.
  11. I really appreciate the time spend in writing this reply. I have taken your thoughts with great consideration. I can say, I will probably purchase a 250GB Samsung 750 Evo or 730 Series Intel SSD, to load my OS and applications onto. Then use my current 500GB SSHD on my steam library. I will most likely take off my fans of my CPU and GPU then give them a great cool with an air blower. This should help me with airflow, taking out the chance of thermal throttling (Something which I now see an issue as there is no airflow in my room as I usually keep my door closed). I might purchase the Corsair SPEC line of cases, I'm looking at the SPEC-03, as it costs $6 more than the SPEC-01 from my local computer hardware store. In terms of RAM however, I'm still reluctant in purchasing DDR3 as it is slowly becoming obsolete, as new processors are being released. So what do my upgrades look like: CPU: No change for now CPU Cooler: No change for now Motherboard: No change for now RAM: Potential upgrade to 16GB DDR3 HDD: Upgrade to 250GB Samsung/Intel SSD Case: Upgrade to Corsair SPEC Series Power Supply: No change for now However, PC Parts in Australia cost a little bit more than what they do in the US. Many people say that with currency exchange it works out the same, that is simply not true. So sales here mean a lot to us
  12. Maybe. eBay Australia is weird... and international shipping costs way too much.
  13. Yeah that's why I don't want to upgrade my GPU. I'm doing fine with my GTX 750!