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Everything posted by DemonicHeart

  1. to be real with you. there wasnt really a reason for anyone to downgrade their ps4 until now.. all those mods mentioned above is nothing major like this. but now that this official hack is here.. its motivation to get real work done. the ps3 downgrade method don't only work on ps3's. it works on other machines as well.. so i see no reason why it wont work on ps4 as well
  2. If anything. like the ps3, they might get a way to downgrade the version of the ps4. which would be difficult and includes on board soldering etc
  3. yeah.. all they need is to modify their method to work on later versions.. personally i wont hack my ps4 because i love playing games online so this dont interest me much
  4. As of now the ps4 is officially hackable from today and the first game playable on the Mod-ps4 is GTA V i cant post much here because of 'site rules' but what i can say the title is Grand.Theft.Auto.V.READNFO.PS4-KOTF and ps4 MUST be on firmware 1.76 which is and old firmware which i doubt anyone will have because i think we are past 4.50 lol The name of the hack group is KOTF which stands for 'KNIGHTS OF THE FALLEN'
  5. Actually PUBG as been getting more viewers on twitch than LoL lately. with views typically having 110k - 150k also.. Counterstrike mostly ONLY get more views in tournaments.. so does LoL
  6. Your presents are not welcome in my thread (future references) Thanks.. at least you are cool.. the other guy is annoying af as if he is trying to impress someone he probably wanna impress staff so that he can be a mod lol (TryHarder)..i hope a mod comes an clean up this mess soon
  7. Ha ha -__-.. i didnt know where to post this.. there's no tv section here yet. Are you some kind of thread assassin or stalker?
  8. I feel like this is possible and many people believe so also. Some believe that the night king is actually the future bran. if you watch the series carefully you will notice they have a specially connection.. Only the night king can see and touch bran and is also aware of what body bran is in controlled of.
  9. $30 so i can easily take it off your hands
  10. you believe living a life with death and pain and ending is death is worth it? you believe temporary happiness is worth everything that comes with it?
  11. We come on earth and live thru pain and die and leave pain behind us.. When we live we see everyone or some of the people we care for and love die. the longer you live the more funerals you have to go to. it can be a friend or family. when we die, the same thing goes for us. we die and leave people behind sad and in tears. tell me what is the point? what is the sense?
  12. buy it...usually the thermal paste you get is cheap paste.. unless you bought a high performance heatsink like cooler master noctua etc.. if you want to have your pc cooled for a long period of time i will recommend buying thermal paste. because those are the ones they build to last.. not something they throw in the box to use..
  13. Everything we know, felt and experienced will be no longer. Hence why life is a waste of time. There is no real goal to life because the end result is death
  14. not everyone enjoys life.. only the fortunate few. some babys born then die right after.. some people struggle to live a happy life.. some people work hard to get to live a life like people they live up to -and in the end, all of us dying and ending up as nothing-
  15. You are addicted to that game lol
  16. Between Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo who won?
  17. We humans create purpose for ourself because we think our existence here makes sense..
  18. Lol im not depressed. i came to terms with reality.. and death is inevitable.. and it is coming... but everyone have their own opinions on how they want to exist
  19. what do you mean by that?.. define 'nothing'.. we cant put a quote on nothing.. as if we had a conscious.. we were put on earth to get life to enjoy it but die? sometimes we die without even finding happiness.. some people want happiness and died from sickness which is not their fault.. and some are born in war and hunger and terror.. and the one who is out of it waste more time because they don't know their value of their out life.. at the end of it all. we have to die.. all your kids have to die and their kids.. till something happens to the world or universe, then there is no more life.. people grasp on the idea of an afterlife for comfort... and to be reborn into this very earth..only to die again.... i render this experience pointless.. we're going to feel pain more than anything
  20. so you prefer to live by government laws than the laws of faith? (religion) ...the government can change laws as they see fit.. the government use and abuse the laws to benefit themself and they dont care about us because we are just underlings to them.. we are nothing
  21. Thats what i mean by temporary happiness.. most people feel comfort in death because they believe there's an afterlife somehow but as i mentioned, there is no confirmation of this. this can be made up just to keep us motivated and not give up on life entirely because if we were to believe that we will never get to see what we achieved ever again.. we will not find reason to achieve it.. same as people saying that religion is division.. it diveds the faith of humanity.. but at the same time.. religion (the right ones) give us stability and laws to live by
  22. But whats the point in passing it down? to whom? they will have to die too..what will be the final result? everything will eventually end with humanity....there's literally no point. every single being is here to eventually die.. no matter the generation..and when the world end, Everything will end with it
  23. There's no confirmation that we will comeback alive..