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  1. I'm getting taxes back, American, and I will have about 600-700 to add to my build. I have my current hardware attached. I am working towards an all around build for working on video and gaming. I'm looking to replace my CPU, MB, and RAM for the most part because I think I'm set with every thing else. Thank you guys.
  2. Sweet, now I just need to find a good card for cheap lol.
  3. I have a I5 4670, which I think is pretty good for what I use it for. I'd like to stream more but its not a big deal right now.
  4. Hello guys, I had a question on upgrading my pc. I will be coming back from deployment here soon and I now have some cash to upgrade. From what i remember I have a GTX 750 and an I5, I forget the model number and 16g ram, with power supply to spare. I was wondering if I can just buy a new GPU like a 1060 or 480 and be good with playing things like Battle Grounds, or If maybe Arc Survival if I'm lucky. Any input would be nice. Also the cheapest way to get good gaming would be nice.
  5. This look's like a really cool thing to have on deployment coming up soon.
  6. The Adult thing is something we say at work all the time as a joke. In the Army (US) there are a lot of regulations that feels like hand holding. I have a 600W. AAA games and dota, so Witcher, Division, BF4, SFV, etc, and I can spend about 250 a month rt now my pc. I like the 390 option but I'm mostly soft Spec for Nvidia. Thank you all for the in put.
  7. I really want to upgrade my build because I'm starting to get games I have to run at low specs and I want to get back up in to high end. What I have= ASUS Z87-K, NIVDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti, I5-4670 Quad, and 8 gb Ram. I'm not looking for a here buy this help but more of a teach a man how to fish help. I know that I need to up the gpu, but I don't know whether I should go A GTX SSC 960, or go full titan cause I know gpus are limited by cpu video performance. I feel like all I need right now is a gpu and ram upgrade though and I was just double checking with this form to see if I'm on the right track.
  8. Wow, I guess I have never really looked at Ikea cause I've never seen a site that has tables tops and legs sold separate. Now all i need to do is find a place that does custom paint jobs and my Deadpool set up will be done.
  9. other then that thank you I'll check Ikea out
  10. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA24G3UK2268&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-_-Monitors+-+Large+Format+Display-_-9SIA24G3UK2268&gclid=CLzGm4uc-coCFYSDaQodnhgMgA&gclsrc=aw.ds
  11. So the last thing I want to buy right out is my desk. I have been playing on a old writing desk with a tall and crowed over hang that prevents large monitors. Well i just picked up a Asur Predator, if you don't know that's 2560 by 1080, so now i am inches form that many pixels. It hurts to say the least. I'm looking for a flat surface no smaller then 40 inches wide, but nothing over 70. I have been looking and I wanted to get your guys/gals opinions before I just buy a commercial desk. Unfortunately I want a evo desk fully decked but do not have the cash.
  12. I already Know that this is a friendly community, just making a theme/joke out of it. Also teach me sempi what is a locked and unlocked cpu and how do I how can you tell by the name. Overclocking? small micro cages for the cpu gnomes vs free range gnomes?
  13. I will hopefully have about 1k to add and I'm currently in Tacoma, Washington
  14. Hello fellow PC builders. With tax season coming up, I wanted to have a general discussion on how and if i should improve my pc build. Case= Cooler Master HAF 922 MB=ASUS Z87-K CPU= i5-4670 Quad GPU= NVIDIA Geforce GTX 750 ti from EVGA Ram= 8 gb (DDR3?) idk id have to look at the cards and rt now I'm to lazy to pull it out of its snug hustler. I'm fairly new to the game, this being my first build, and with the up coming money I wanted to improve my baby. I like playing AAA and MOBA's, and I would like to get my hands in to video editing. I can run Fallout 4 and a descent 60 fps 1080 p, but only at high custom with most of the AA turned off. My game tanks though when I try to stream. I use Open broadcaster for twitch streaming and i had to go to windows mode with medium settings with only 2x AA to run at anything above 40 fps and that is with the stream paused on my dashboard while I play. So my fellow gamers/builders, I am bare for the Roasting. cleanse me of my shame so I can be reborn in the flames of the master race. lol. (Ps. i fucked up its suppose to be /r/roastme not /r roast me. the dank is not with me today)