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  1. Are user's with Kaby Lake processors running Windows 7 or 8.1 gonna be able to update? Does unsupported hardware get extremely critical updates? At least I shouldn't have any issues since I use Bitdefender and apparently it can block it along with Kaspersky. Edit: Nvm the update was released at an earlier date
  2. Crunchyroll works on Rabbit.It along with every other video streaming website since it is a full fledged browser inside browser so you and your friends can all see whatever you want!
  3. Just like Rabb.it has been around as well. I've never used your website but I know Rabbit has a modified version of Firefox in side of it with an ad-blocker along with mic and webcam support.
  4. I'm pretty sure saying they're not tracking your data when you open the app isn't okay as well
  5. I have the app and I was wondering why it needed location although I don't really use the app that much since all you can really do with it is change the name of your device and use a second volume rocker. At least that's how it is for my Soundsports.
  6. I was still using Vista until mid 2015 and my Dad was still using it until around 2 months ago. I never had any issues with it and the system it still worked fine especially since it had a Phenom x4 9550 and 6GBs of ram. The only issue was that Chrome stopped getting updated quite a few months ago and that the is as a whole was losing support soon.
  7. I'm pretty sure there have always been cases of exploding phone batteries but the Note 7 incident made it a more touched subject.
  8. I thought both companies have had their share of driver issues.
  9. I think they can still go with an APU though since you can take an a-10 7850k and crossfire it with an r7 250.
  10. Depending on what you're playing 2 480's might not be better since some games don't scale much with SLI and some games don't support it at all so getting a 1070 might be better.
  11. DVI supports at least 60fps (60hz) on monitors which is what your monitor goes up to. DVI also supports up to 144hz but you need a different cable and a more expensive monitor.
  12. It depends on what websites say that. The GTX 1060 does have a DVI port like the monitor does. I think I read that the monitor doesn't come with the cable, but a DVI cable is only like 6 dollars and your old monitor probably uses the same cable.
  13. It looks alright although it doesn't have an HDMI port if you need one. And I forgot to put it in my last comment but you could reuse your old monitor as a second monitor if you want to.
  14. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009437&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker, LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID= Does the bezel on this one look too big? This one is $80 right now with a promo code.