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  1. But can I make a bootable USB on Avast and/or Malwarebytes?
  2. Hey im going to work on an infected PC tomorrow and I am wondering what you think the best bootable scanner is. It needs to be able to scan for malware/rootkits/ransomware etc. Thanks
  3. Remember to use port 443 when using a VPN at school it will not set off alarms because traffic going through there is supposed to be encrypted anyway. And if they block the port it will break the internet.
  4. Ok I'll do that, but isn't 50°C high for an idle temp? Thanks
  5. Hey so I currently have a club 3d r9 280 and I noticed that when I boot my PC now my gpu idles at 50°C usual idle temps before were around 32°C I recently updated to crimson 15.12 (from 15.11) and I noticed my idle frequency changed from 300mhz to 500mhz after updating so I'm assuming this is the reason for my high idles. If so how can I lower it back to 300mhz? BtW my load temps (OC to 1100mhz) still peak at the usual 74°C
  6. Thanks for the info! Just to clarify, I wasn't shaking my drive vigorously I just tilted it a few times to figure out where the sound was coming from
  7. Hey so I just got a 3.5' 320GB WD Blue drive from ebay. It was listed as fully working. But the odd part was when I was holding the drive, every time I tilt it, it would sound like there is sand inside the drive?! WTF? I currently have it plugged in to my old rig and the drive seems to be working and S.M.A.R.T data shows the drive is healthy. Is this normal for WD drives? Whats going on here?