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  1. A non-sponsored build would've probably used either a 2060 Super or RX 5700 XT, no need for a 1TB SSD for a $900 gaming build imo. GPU should be a minimum of 50% of the budget for cheapo-gaming builds
  2. I'd pay a little less for RGB ram, a little less for a mobo, maybe swap to a 2700X for a quieter CPU cooler with more cores, pick a bit pricier case. But that GPU seems so misplaced here. You can easily put in a 2060 Super or a RX 5700 XT into a $900 budget build. I'd recommend something like a 500GB NVMe and upgrade with larger storage later, than buying a last gen GPU
  3. Basically none existent, I've recently been gaming on a laptop with a GTX 750M i picked up for studies after a summer job and my peripherals would be a single Logitech G400s mouse, but I recently was able to save up money to buy a used 3570k + Z77 motherboard and a pair of EVGA acx 780. I'm planning on picking up something like a 50€ case and two sticks of corsair vengeance pro blue colored ram to stick with the coloring scheme.