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  1. Just get prebuilt if you don't know what your doing...
  2. wel i tink dat u shud get amd cus it fast man
  3. This is the product if this helps http://store.vmware.com/store/vmwde/en_GB/pd/productID.323416600?src=ps_570c41fd1ed2e&kw=vmware fusion 8&mt=e&utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign=GS_eBiz_Lead_EMEA_UK_EN_BR_E_Fusion&k_clickid=da1b244d-94d3-4395-a04e-b8f1a30cf041&gclid=Cj0KEQjwxqS-BRDRgPLp0q2t0IUBEiQAgfMXROtLb6XmhvAevFMrtf0MadAcrMzVaUPToMGJlZE2QBkaAsUe8P8HAQ
  4. /n simply starts a new line on a output./r can be used in a system.in in Java so when you click the console it automatically takes you to the next line to enter each value , for example. public static int[] getIntegers(int number) { System.out.println("enter " + number + " numbers \r"); int [] values = new int [number]; for (int i=0; i<values.length; i++){ values [i]= scanner.nextInt();
  5. Hi, As I want to get into ios development I need a OS X platform which I dont have so I decided that vmare fusion might do the job but I have a amd cpu and Macs use a intel cpu so would vmware fusion still work with a amd cpu? Thanks
  6. oh and there is no drivers as I coudnt find the comapany's website:( its made by a company called bazoo
  7. Hi , so i have this wireless keyboard which was for the smart tv but no one used it so i took it up for a more comfortable position when programming on my laptop it did work, but now this happens when I press the keys/3/3''-3[-'33226622500,21hbbvg0,,,21n00 , yeah so does anyone have any ideas or is this keyboard just toast? Thanks!
  8. Thanks , so am I right in saying steam is compatible and will function more than normally on windows server os?
  9. Inspiration from Linus' server video , is it possible to install steam on windows server os and use steams in home streaming feature to stream games to homes all round the house? Thanks!
  10. Hi , when I was learning how to program in Java I looked at Lynda.com but because they focus on such a variety of categories programming doesnt really get priority and there is NO Discussion section if you get stuck or you dont understand something.I STRONGLY recommend this course https://www.udemy.com/python-the-complete-python-developer-course/ I took his Java and android courses and am now an expert . Dont waste your time with lynda.com , and udemy has a massive sale right now every course is £21!. Hope this helps!
  11. Open it up and check the usb headers on the board are connected properly
  12. really! I agree Lenovo are good but they are expensive....for what they are in my opinion
  13. I've always had hp and has never let me down