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my thoughts on white noise thusfar

1. Tower has some pretty insane sightlines and loads of places to hide. imo, it's a bit skewed in the favor of defenders atm, as a roamer can destroy your entire team. 

2. Dokkabei's logic bomb is hella useful if used tactically (not at the very start of the round), like when breaching or in the last minute or so of the round.

3. Vigil is pretty much useless imo; we normally scanned him first in prep phase lmfao.

4. Zofia is pretty much just Ash with a hitbox; she doesn't fit my playstyle, so I don't use her.

5. Dokkabei's primary single shot rifle is amazing with an ACOG; short and long range.

6. Dokkabei's ability to hack cameras is super helpful, as your dead team mates can still help you from the afterlife. However, you should have to hack Valkyrie's phone to access the Black Eye cameras.

7. People still walk into Frost traps

  1. MoonlightSylv


    I've been downloading this for like 5 hours my internet sucks.

  2. shadowbyte



    rip in panini

    it's superfun

  3. DarkBlade2117


    So used to snipers in PUBGs, Mk 14 in PUBG you spam that you will be shooting in the air after 3 shots lmao and as for Vigil, his middle click last for a LONG time so I usually pop it up a few seconds after the phase started.
