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  1. I am going to just need it to advertise products with a fire place behind me in a chair in my videos. Like not that big of a space no bigger then like a dresser lol
  2. Can someone link me a good chroma green screen they would suggest?
  3. I got the fdr-ax33 Sony 4k camcorder what green-screen and software should I get to add a fireplace in the background of my video? I also plan on getting Adobe premier with my student discount.
  4. I know I actually had Origin PC do a build for me cause I lost over 1,000 dollars from pieces that were broken... and Tech bills trying to get them fixed.... So I am getting a 6700k skylake, z170 mobo, liquid cooled hard lined stage lll, and two gtx 980 ti's in sli....
  5. Some of the components were bad.... FML
  6. That is what is neat about it the Hard Drive and M.2 SSD and Power supply are hidden with tons of room in the back for more so I need to figure out what I can add! Haha, Maybe a fish tank or mini lava lamps?
  7. They were out of stock on cable mod... I will upgrade to white and black cables eventually
  8. I am hoping some colors from the Led's will change that bottom half a little ^.^ Any suggestions of what else to put there lol
  9. There power supply cables I can't do anything about those ^.^
  10. Lol, deduct the 2.5 for overkillness or simplicity? I did not want wires showing but I will be adding the led's that should give the case a little more detail! ^.^
  11. Will update as more to come ^.^ (Adding Phantek's Led light strip also!) http://pcpartpicker.com/p/4zFbMp
  12. Did mean the full 12GB but more then 6GB
  13. Yes, I am going to be producing a lot of Youtube content and constantly use Photoshop also. I run a account on a game with 22,000 friends around Xmas time and it has a shop on it that I make money through like SecondLife but IMVU is the name. (Santa)
  14. I guess I was just thinking about the price of 3 Gtx 980 TI's would of been the 2 Titan X's... Kind of bugs me that performance is so close but that 24 Gigs to 18 Gig ratio.