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  1. Ok, that recomendation does not help me 100% to what I'm trying to do now, but whatever.... Next question would be, Do any of you know if any carrier in the USA offer lower rates for data consumed through a Femptocell? They seem to advertise better signal and reliable connections, but not actual cheaper data. @MagnesiumPC Actually thanks a lot for the answer, you saved me a lot of time of useless research
  2. I'm currently beta testing an iOS app that requires lots of data and I'm looking for alternatives to expensive data plans. The app serves as a bridge from a WiFi camera and an online streaming service, The phone acts as a hotspot, the camera is connected to it via WiFi and then is streamed out via LTE. Since the WiFi connection is used up by the camera, LTE is the only option. My idea was, maybe there is a home router that acts like an LTE tower, So the phone would connect via LTE to it, but it is actually using up my home internet instead of my data plan... Before you ask, that is how the camera works, I can't change that I can only connect to it via WiFi. Also, the app is not designed for indoor use, that is why it does not handle both connections via WiFi, it needs to stream out via LTE. I'm an idiot on the subject and realize it is potentially a stupid question. I hit my data limit in 2 days, I desperately need some alternative! Thanks!
  3. A newer video processing unit for the endoscope will probably cost 30 - 50 thousand dollars. We are trying to save our customers thousands of dollars with our solution, we've managed to do that on a pc for some time now but doing it in OSX is much much harder. I found a composite to HDMI converter in B&H that I will try and hopefully it will work. Thanks!
  4. It is a medical device, hi tech but kind of old. It does not have any other available outputs. It has to run naively in OSX our whole suit runs on OSX and the doctor can't switch just to perform a study. Also, that's frankly too much to ask for some doctors.
  5. I'm recording video from an endoscope. Yes, OSX is whats causing all my pain. Avermedia Live Gamer works great though, except It does not take composite video.
  6. I've been researching on this topic for more than 3 weeks, I've bought 6 different capture devices and I'm ready to admit that I'm stuck. Hope someone here might be able to help. My need: I have a device that outputs composite video and need to watch grab screenshots and record video on a mac or pc, ideally allowing me to choose the capture software (e.g. VLC). Where I'm at: I tested cheap EZCAP devices, the software is crap. It is also not supported in the latest OSX Elgato: Proprietary recording software is shit. Blackmagic intesity: You need very specific hardware to make it work. I couldn't. Software is also crazy complex from what i've seen. Avermedia Live Gamer: The software is good enough that I wouldn't need to use another software, but it does not take Composite video !!! TL;DR Now, I know I'm running out of options, my best bet so far is the Avermedia Live Gamer, I've been looking for ways to convert Composite to Component without luck. Another alternative would be to convert Composite to HDMI, and then input to the Avermedia, what would be the best way to do that?
  7. Streetgury: Thanks for that, I like this setup quite a lot, it makes sense. It leaves a little bit of room to grow into a better video card, more ram and SSD in the future.
  8. 400 USD. Sorry I stupid. We need no monitor or peripherals.
  9. So, my brother needs a budget pc for video editing. He uses Sony Vegas almost exclusively but would use After Effects once in a while. Now, the challenging part for me and probably some of you is that does not give a f. about gaming, he wants to optimize for video editing and specifically for Vegas. For what I´ve researched Vegas is fairly GPU optimized but we are trying to find the perfect equilibrium. Budget does not include OS we will buy the cheapest case we can find, so it should be components only. budget is around 400, I know its tight but hope its doable. Thanks
  10. My entry for #UltraWideFestival, #UltraWide, #DreamSetup Carlos Pendas