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  • Birthday Mar 13, 2002

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  • CPU
    i7 4710HQ
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  1. We just tried to install the drivers without GeForce Expirience but it couldn't find the harware
  2. Wow, I did not think of that... We'll try it right now!
  3. Nope, it's a prebuilt system. But I'll ask him if it's possible to change the PCI-E slot
  4. Nope, GeForce exprience can't find any Nvidia card and won't install
  5. My friend has a problem with his graphics card not being detected. He has a ASUS ROG G20CB with a Nvidia GTX 970. We tried installing Nvidia expirience since we thought it only needed a software update. We tried to use a DVI cable to hook up his display, but that didn't work. So we used a HDMI cable connected to the motherboard since the GPU doesn't have a HDMI connector.
  6. Well, crap.... My PC is going rage mode on these ads. Chrome opens like a bizillion ads at once. I tried the adware cleaner but now it doesn't detect anything..... Any other options?
  7. Found one threat, cleand it up and seems to be working. Thanks!
  8. Hi! I recently had random advertisment open on my pc. The ads were opened in Chrome and I wasn't even using Chrome at the time. So I thought it was just some normal malware and I went ahead and did a full system restore. Now 2 days later another link opened, with Chrome again. This time it didn't want to load. I closed it and ran a search with Avast, it didn't find anything. Any idea of what it could be?
  9. Just finished copying the files back to the drive, everything is working now. Thanks!
  10. This might help, I just read trough the topic and I forgot to mention that I didn't only get that message one time. Got it several times. It's the Error Applying Security message. Here's an example, and that file doesn't give me premission
  11. Just got back, it says ETA 4hrs. I canceled it... Are you sure there isn't anything other I could try?
  12. ETA: 1h 20min, I'll post a screenshot of cmd when finninshed
  13. Still got the same result, did I do it right?