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  1. The HDR front facing camera seems awesome. I love being able to see the screen while getting a picture with friends and family and have a great front camera makes that possible without losing quality. I hope it's great!
  2. Let's start with a quote from the article: "Neil Hunt, Netflix's chief product officer, has told Gizmodo that the service won't offer offline playback of content because it will create a "paradox of choice" that will leave some users "paralysed" and unable to use Netflix" I understand the fear of too many options and possible confusion, but this is just PR hot air. This basically tells me Netflix believes their users are idiots. If you don't want to confuse less tech savvy customers, bury the feature a little so only people that know it's there can find it. This is clearly a dumb response to Amazon introducing this feature instead of them. They have also stated they never intend on introducing this feature. That's fine but don't treat your customers like idiots. Source http://www.businessinsider.com/netflix-offline-downloads-neil-hunt-2015-9
  3. Cool point guys. Maybe it's not a big deal, but I found it really interesting. If Google doesn't want to use their own system (regardless of the fear of the feedback they might get), it seems like some major retooling needs to happen with their YouTube comment system. Maybe it could actually be usable! I did not know you could still comment on the release with Google+, but again this points to the same problem when you're okay with feedback on one platform and not the other when your company made both. For the two of you wondering why this is news, it may not be. Again, I just found it interesting and wanted to share and get your feedback. I'm new to the forum and it seemed appropriate to post it in news, but if you have a better suggestion I'm all ears. General discussion maybe? Really cool first posting experience - thanks everyone!
  4. Just checked their Google Glass video, camping video and another one and none of those block comments...interesting very interesting. I honestly don't mind the new logo. I liked the previous one a little better though.
  5. We've all heard of their new logo, but even Google doesn't like their own YouTube commenting system. They have blocked commenting on their Logo reveal video. Not sure if they have done this in the past, but if they don't want to use their own system that has to be a problem...