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Am I the only one worried about the future of cars in general? We're in an era where a mediocre mid-size crossover SUV can go for SIXTY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, or a 72 month loan with stupid ass payments. 

  1. Ashleyyyy


    @Nicholatian  Mac's are actually really good value if you keep in mind what software comes with it

  2. handymanshandle


    it is very worrying, because they figure they can push the idea of leasing a car harder so more new cars get sold and they secure a revenue stream. Instead of making more cars that more average people can afford to buy they're selling cars that don't last nearly as long as they used to and are too expensive to actually own.

  3. Tog Driver

    Tog Driver

    There will always (probably) be used cars, people need to be okay with things that aren’t new so that they can have used vehicles to make car manufacturers make new vehicles worth buying.
