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Everything posted by madscientist56

  1. they will release 32 bit and 64 bit versions of apps on android for years before just doing 64 bit apps. Not even pc's are at this stage yet we still get a 32 bit and a 64 bit version of most applications.
  2. windows is an x64 or x86 based program, getting it to run on an arm device would be extremely difficult.
  3. should have built it, you could have the same thing for a lot cheaper, also you dont need windows 8 its an even os therefore its not as good as win 7
  4. just get the cheapest lp card on pcpp EDIT: i looked it up this is it --> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130585&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
  5. its already been done http://i.imgur.com/0S5spVm.jpg
  6. Hey, anyone know of a decent monitor stand for three monitors? I would like it to have tilt and height adjustment while taking up minimal desk space, its also ok if it clamps to the side of the desk instead of sitting on it. Also I have 21 inch monitors. Edit: whoops i almost forgot, my budget is around $200 but i'm willing to go a little over
  7. 7970 its more powerful and i like the lighting cards.
  8. i would recommend getting the cheapest monitor with a lower then 6ms response time, ips panel, over 30hz refresh rate, and at least 1920 x 1080 resolution. This is the monitor i use, I really like it except the stand kinds sucks and there's no vesa mount, but its cheap! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CLZ047Q/?tag=pcpapi-20
  9. you'll have to remove the pre-attached backplate and get a proper 1366 one, did one come with the cpu-cooler?
  10. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820228106&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID= EDIT: whoops, that's sold out, id go with this\/ http://www.ncixus.com/products/?usaffiliateid=1000031504&sku=94211&vpn=ASP600S3-256GM-C&manufacture=AData%20Technology&promoid=1029
  11. That's the Define R4, you said Refine R4, i know that's probably what you meant however i was pointing out the mistake so you could fix it.
  12. I mean why does it have to be a 24 inch monitor
  13. Refine R4? also i have had overall good experiences with msi mobos and this one doesnt look like any exception
  14. what does it have to be exactly 24"
  15. wow lot of invites being given away lately, btw don't send me one i just ordered a droid turbo
  16. kind of like this? http://pcpartpicker.com/b/XpWZxr if so you need a power source
  17. because the i phone 6 is running an operating system designed for smaller phones, for example the back buttons are always in the upper left hand corner which is difficult to reach with one hand, while the 5s is smaller so you can reach it, and the gs5 has the back button in the lower right hand corner. Just because a phone is new doesn't always mean its better.
  18. do you have an amp already?
  19. my parents both use aol, the browser and the email service..