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just some guy

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  1. No, I maxed out the settings including max res. and Yes. my piece of shit monitor only has a VGA input, though in the manual it has DVI also.
  2. Hell, if Pentiums were capable of hyperthreading then its better than i3s.
  3. Yeah. That's what I thought from the beginning but I wanted future-proof in terms of upgrading.
  4. Ummm. I think it does. See, most of my games does this during gameplay and cutscenes (specially cutscences) if I max out the settings. But there was no problem when I set everything low (just dropped frames on heavy games).
  5. Hey dudez! I was just wondering if pairing my R7 265 with a Pentium G3258 is a good idea. I mean, will there be a bottleneck? Visual impact? or any whatsoever? As of now, I'm having a major bottleneck. I have an AMD A4-3400 APU - a 2.7 dual core piece of shit!. Not only am I suffering low and dropping frame rates, I'm also experiencing blurry visuals from my games. Specially during cutscenes. The Pentium is also a dual core which worries me(also the i3 but has hyperthreading which can be used as a quad core proc. which is better). I have decided to go for the Pentium instead of the Athlon x4 860k cuz it has a long upgrade path. I wouldn't be asking this and i'd go for an i3 or i5 but since I'm changing my processor that would also mean that I should change my crappy FM1 mobo. If, in the end of the day go for the Pentium. It would take another 6 months or even a year to save up. So, suggestions anyone?
  6. Oh? ...I believe FM1's top tier cpus are today's crap.
  7. Thanks everyone for your replies but scratch everything. I've decided to get a new Mobo cuz the CPU socket is obsolete - FM1. Oh, for everyone askin' what Mobo I currently have, it's a crappy ASUS F1A55 m lk r2.0.
  8. Hey guys! I was just wondering, is it possible for an ancient motherboard to read an SSD? (For the word "ancient" - I mean a mobo that was released long before the SSD). That's all Thnx..^^
  9. Hey guys! sup'? So, here I am typing like an idiot... I know SSDs are waaaay better than HDD, but they costs much and the space is "heellaaa-low?" Now, I'm upgrading my sh**ty PC. I already have a 500 gb seagate barracuda drive aaannddd... with all the games, movies,porn(I got a collection and it just keeps comin'),softwares, music and even the O.S, the space is getting low. Fortunately, I have enough papers to buy new drive. My dumb questions is.... should I go for an expensive, low-space drive which is SSD or a hella space, cheaper drive which is HDD.
  10. I would spend more for the GPU. I already have a crappy low-end card - Geforce 210. I just wanted a processor that can handle every game and a not-so-high-end GPU on the market. I found the latest Nvidia GTX card in a store and it costs like hell.. 30000 Php?!! (=$670) for a frickin' card?
  11. I currently have a 1366x768 monitor and it would take a while to upgrade to 1080. My budget for CPU&GPU is around $250 and I intend to play modern games for like...50-60ish or better frames, not necessarily maxed out.
  12. Yeah, I think the 860k is the A-10 without the iGPU. Therefore, the 860k the most powerful among FM2+ cpus.
  13. I just want to play modern games with 60ish fps and not necessarily maxed out settings. And yeah, I don't play much MMORPGs or RTS but adventure games, first- P.S, TPS. I'm also planning on playing MKX.