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Everything posted by AyBuild

  1. I think the persona 3 movies are done so much better than p4 the animation. I think there actually as good as the game. But they miss out the social links so...
  2. Onto the second persona movie, wish me luck in finding the third.
  3. The persona 3 movie is looking pretty good 15 minutes in.
  4. Had some of those mikado things that they eat in some animes (I think anohana you know those biscuit sticks with chocolate on the end) there actually pretty nice. They look like this
  5. I believe I played Chrono Trigger and it was decent. Came with a snes emulator I believe.
  6. Added to plan to watch, next in cue after GATE.
  7. I guess it's a matter of opinion but maybe it's because I can't read japanese that I'm limited to what I can play. What are some of your favourites. Also if something is really popular some of the time it's because it's good, other times it's not (cough beats cough) also I think the lack of vita games is what attracts people to persona.
  8. Back on anime any recommendations. I don't really care what genre as long as the art is nice.
  9. To point something out to those who own a vita/ps3 pick yourself up either persona 3 portable or p4 golden on the vita or persona 3 fes or p4 on ps3 they are the best jrpgs imo so do yourself a favour also if your a pirate just run a ps2 simulator and you can run p3 fes and p4 . I prefer the vita because playing as a girl in p3 is fun af.
  10. enthoo pro/luxe for performance, nzxt h440, define r5 or silent base 800 for silence that case is for custom water-cooling as well as sli. it will be too big and a waste of money unless 4 way sli/ full watercooling is what you want in the future,
  11. I might have to look into this case for my build (when it happens lmao) looking good man!
  12. Shoot a Pm over to @MyInnerFred if you haven't formally joined yet.
  13. thanks for pointing out this new episode needed something after shimoneta and charlotte along with that no game no life copy i watched.
  14. That classroom crisis episode felt very skippable. imo the entire series is despite being decent.
  15. The only anime i've cried to is anohana and that shit was sad. Not clannad after story neither your lie in april. But it is worth watching.
  16. Crunchyroll is so good if you have a smart tv or chromecast.
  17. rewatching code geass. Still love the opening. Probably the third anime I've rewatched after p4 the animation and kokoro connect.
  18. It never gets anywhere don't worry.
  19. http://www.amazon.com/Philips-Headphones-Incoming-Function-Microphone/dp/B00F4P7NG0/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1439890260&sr=1-4&keywords=fidelio+x2 these are good http://www.amazon.com/Grado-Prestige-Series-SR225e-Headphones/dp/B00L1NZTSS/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1439890348&sr=1-3&keywords=grado+sr Should be good because these are the best in their price range