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  1. Being a student personally, it's always hard. Everyone has their own personal reasons.
  2. Oh. The currency is in USD$.
  3. It is for WorldWide! Obviously bug fixes etc. And other functionalities idk lol. I just bought the best one (8.1 Pro). lol
  4. I live in Sydney, Australia and bought a key off reddit It worked like a charm
  5. What OS are you looking to attach onto that beast? XP?
  6. When I feel like ending it, most likely within the week.
  7. Well, I live in Australia, paying over $100 per month on Internet, with the best ISP (Telstra). For some odd reason when I try streaming Plex from my Hetzner Server the video stutters etc. But when I am connected to a VPN, it works fine. The VPN solution only works on my computer, as my Roku won't support VPN. Any idea how I can get Roku to accept VPN, or how to fix the issue overall? Thanks
  8. Hehe you could remove it though (Ceebs searching way up lol).
  9. Why wouldn't that work? 1 person gets Windows 8.1 Pro, the other gets Windows 8 Pro.
  10. Well recently I had bought multiple keys as I had found a cheap guy selling them at a fraction of a price. I decided to purchase multiple keys and checked them through Janek's PID Checker, and they came out great! Today I am going to be giving away 2 keys as these came out to be spares. So, anyone looking to get Windows 8.1 Pro, or 8 Pro has a chance to get it now for free! To enter: Leave a comment. (Being nice would help as well). I'll pick a winner through Random.org and 2 winners will be chosen for each respective key. Thanks
  11. I get my keys from this guy: http://www.reddit.com/r/MicrosoftKeySwap I get instant responses and get keys delivered instantly!
  12. They install all software which people usually install. i.e. iTunes, VLC, etc.