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This is what happens when you want to play PUBG after the recent update... DAMMIT I JUST WANTED TO PLAY SOME MORE ON THE NEW MAP

There are also super-annoying lags at the beginning of each game until a few people die and disconnect...

  1. XenosTech


    When the game formula is just right lol

  2. PCGuy_5960


    Play on the test server? :P


    On the contrary, BF1 Incursions Servers are empty. lol

  3. XenosTech


    Well nobody is really playing BF1 much these days tbh. EA killed what would have been a beautiful game with community division.

  4. i_build_nanosuits


    i have 2 old friends that wants me to buy the game...it's V1.0 now and it cost 36.99$CAD on steam..is it worth it?

    is that the game that could get me back to play on a 2d monitor @Morgan MLGman?

  5. Morgan MLGman

    Morgan MLGman

    @i_build_nanosuits Its optimization leaves a lot of questions (it's better now when the game went to 1.0 from Early Access) but the gameplay is fun to me, I've got friends to play with, so the game is worth what I paid for it even though I didn't buy it on a sale :)

    If you like battle-royale style survival shooters then this is definitely a must-have, though it's not as fun if you're only playing solo.

    Overall, I'd recommend it but you need to be aware of what this game is about, have you seen any streams/gameplay videos yet? If you did and you liked it, go ahead and buy it, especially that you have other people to play with ^_^
