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  • CPU
    Intel® Core™ i5-8400 Processor @ 3.8ghz
  • Motherboard
    Gigabyte Z370M D3H mATX
  • RAM
    8gb Crucial Ballistix 2933mhz @ 17-17-17-35
  • GPU
     Sapphire Nitro RX 480 OC @ 1420/2000 
  • Case
    Tecware Edge Tempered Glass (Black)
  • Storage
    Samsung 850 EVO 250gb, Western Digital Blue 2TB, Western Digital Green 1TB
  • PSU
    Seasonic M12II 520w 80+ Bronze
  • Display(s)
    Viewsonic XG2401 144hz
  • Cooling
    Cryorig H7 Quad Lumi
  • Keyboard
    Corsair K70 MX Reds
  • Mouse
    Zowie EC1-A
  • Operating System
    Windows 10 Pro

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  1. I just got back from a busy day but thank you for clearing things up! Much appreciated, I honestly hope I get the update soon
  2. If i'm supposed to be looking at the CPU column it looks like it isn't reporting the right numbers either. Yes, it's on 1809. I got the update a week ago, I think. ?
  3. I've been having this problem ever since the latest windows update, I've tried looking it up on Google but I can't seem to find this exact problem. So basically, the per process cpu usage numbers are way off the actual total cpu usage numbers which I found really odd. Even at 100% I have no idea what's happening. Has anyone faced the same issue? Would appreciate the help
  4. I'm looking for a wireless headset and have come across the Corsair HS70 which seems really good but I'd like to hear some thoughts from actual users of the headset if there are any! I'm coming from a HyperX Cloud Core which i bought like... 3 years ago lol. Wanna know how the sound quality, comfort would compare. Thanks!
  5. I got an RN5P two weeks ago and I'm extremely satisfied. 8 hours SOT and really smooth with whatever I throw at it. Also upgraded to a GTX 1070 with the money I saved from not buying a flagship Thanks guys!
  6. Yeah i'm just wondering if it's unstable or what but it doesn't seem to be. The last 2 cards I had overclocked before had like more consistent(?) results. But I guess i'm fine here. ?
  7. core +160/ mem +150 core +180/ mem+400 Is that weird or just margin of error? Thanks for the input.
  8. Hey guys! Help me decide on what phone to buy because my Mi3 died on me after 4 and a half years kek. The only real advantage I see with the Note 5 Pro is that it has the new SD636. I can't go higher than these two, the Note 5 Pro is $10 more expensive than the 5 plus. What do y'all think? P.S. I'd buy a more expensive phone but I already have my eyes set on a GPU upgrade
  9. Cool! Thanks a lot for the info, I was planning to sync all of my rgb components but that seems to be impossible at this point.
  10. So my Gigabyte Z370M D3H has an rgb header, is it possible to connect the strips to the RGB header and control with the software?
  11. Numbers were already provided and explained on the first reply.
  12. .... Obviously, haven't I already established that this not happens on all games? Especially on older titles, when the hell did you upgrade from 8gb to 16gb? You can't argue something you haven't tested yourself or have come across, but this is a perfect example of my PERSONAL experience. AC Origins, if you've ever used that benchmark as soon as the camera shifts to the market area that's where my system usually plummets in GPU utilization because of the memory bottleneck. See the COD WW2 footage. Look how fucking awful the bench is. Frametimes go haywire, and microstutters everywhere. But it never maxed out the 8GB of RAM, because of how windows manage memory. If it let you max out your ram without anything reserved for windows, your game would crash guaranteed. As I did the testing my ram usage was hovering around 7.1gb - 7.3gb the rest was obviously reserved for windows. There could also be other factors like speed, latency, bandwidth BECAUSE If you've seen my earlier posts, overclocking my 8gb stick to 2933mhz 17-17-17-35 helped a lot with the issue due to I would guess having more speed to work around with swapping in and out. But then again, It's still not entirely perfect unlike with the 12GB scenario. I just saw came across this video. FFXV benchmark starts @ 4:33. Most important thing to look at here are Frametimes and RAM usage.
  13. That's weird, I did a test yesterday if I needed more ram or not to reduce my microstutters and I did manually set my speed and timings. CPU-Z detected that my dimms were in Dual Channel. Benchmarks (latency most importantly) and performance were significantly better. Thread is here. Could be case to case basis since we've come so far in terms tech. Not if there's any technological limitations that I'm not aware of.
  14. No, Dual Channel works even if they're different sizes. Timings and Speeds are adjusted by BIOS accordingly. Just tried it yesterday, can confirm it works.
  15. That's what I thought before. So what explains micro stutters with the lack of RAM? Have you ever tried it yourself? Again, the issue occurs when you're entering a NEW area when there are NEW textures to load. It's smooth 100% gpu utilization when you're just driving around the game world. CPU usage never went to 100% either, there's always legroom for the CPU.