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Everything posted by ProjectRED

  1. need people to discord with we will play rust gta v bf1 and rocket league discord:https://discord.gg/F85VUKJ
  2. Hey guys, got back into rocket league. need some semi good players to play with on discord! im an silver 3 rank in comp!
  3. Hello, LTT! So just recently ive come up on the stock market. I am 19 years, old on the way to 20 in a month, and I would like to know how this all works. I have watched hours and hours of YouTube videos on how to start investing/trading but they are either very vague or trying to make me buy there services. Does anyone know the trick to start or at least have some idea on who is trusted and some tips to get going. Thanks!
  4. there is no multiplayer option, but steam has a option to allow one player to join in through steam
  5. you deff got to steam it, i need peple to play with ahha
  6. its pretty cool, i got a massive base ahha
  7. http://steamcommunity.com/id/JynErsoo/
  8. Only thing is that the game in in pre-alpha witch means, multiplayer only works with direct connection. Witch means the host(me) has to be on for the server to be live
  9. lol my copy and paste skills http://steamcommunity.com/id/JynErsoo/
  10. thats the spirt, astro gets lonely once you get a base going
  11. The game is lit af. Only a bit buggy. But if you liked mc back in the day you will love this
  12. http://steamcommunity.com/id/JynErsoo/
  13. 20 so dont worry about squeakers lol. And its basically minecraft in space. Like legit mc in space.