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The more I look at this, the more willing I am to delid my CPU


  1. DarkBlade2117


    @Morgan MLGman I believe you also have a similar situation with your 6700k lol

  2. Morgan MLGman

    Morgan MLGman

    Yeah, it's the same core as well in my case (Core #1)... It annoys the heck of me but I am willing to try delidding only if the warranty period is over on my CPU (I've got two more years though) :/ I'll probably either buy a 7700K at some point and sell my 6700K or just upgrade the mobo+CPU together to an 8700K/Zen+ system sooner or later

  3. DarkBlade2117


    I think some of the delid kits offer warranties to replace the CPU if the delid kit breaks it
