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  1. have you seen mmorpg and mobas trailers??
  2. if theres something i don't like about pc gaming, is pc gamers... is like atheist always talking about god.... by the way this trailer is awesome
  3. you can see in benchmarks similar performance with the 960 and the r9280x but when it comes to reality, the 280x is better and is even cheaper. to answer your question: yes it is good, but it would be better with a r9 280x
  4. the ps4 is too small for it, remember, ps4 has an APU that means gpu and cpu in the same chip, and even the ram is in it, so it is a work for enginers, you can't just go and resolve differential equations without lube
  5. well i will explain you: there are 2 things super important, 1- the cores and the ghz. (the are other things but you dont need to morry too much since you are starting) The cores, is like restaurant, if you have more waitresses, then you have more eficciency. intel has something called hyperthreathing, that means, each core can do the work of 2 cores and that means every core is more eficient than amd(REMEMBER, 1 core do the work of two, but is still one core) , BUT amd is way cheaper with the money of a i5(2 cores 4 task) you could buy a 6 cores, maybe 8 (fx 8300), when a game ony ask up to 4 cores, intel get the best performance, but when it ask for more than 4 then amd does it better. 2-the frecuency ghz, is the clock speed of the cpu, more ghz, more speed, 3.5 it's ok but you can go to 4, 4.5 i recomend to buy a fx 8350(8 cores 4 ghz) the price is not to hight for its permormance, it is awesome and will last for a while, way better than a i5 and similar price sometimes cheaper. and sorry for my english, im still learning :C
  6. russia: i dont want start a war, but lets invade ukrane... haha when people don't own something, fells like they have to protect what they have, but when they do it also atacks the other brand, look at console wars for exmple, people just throw shit each othen, and none of them really sucks, just fell the right to protect what they paid for. i'm with amd because is cheaper and also powerfull, but ovbiously if i had the money i would boy the best at the moment don't care if is amd or nvidia
  7. 960 cant be good, try a r9 280x
  8. they're ok, that depends, you know xbox one and ps4 works fine, i play fifa/streetfighter/xenoverse in my laptop, so thats ok, but when you go for most demanding software it could be a problem, but they don't suck.
  9. on ps3 and xbox 360 i dont really know, but i bet is bit lower than 720, xbox one is 720p and ps4 900p
  10. on ps3 and xbox 360 i dont really know, but i bet is bit lower than 720, xbox one is 720p and ps4 900p
  11. entonces ni hablar, lo unico que si pues la gafica para tus fines te quedara corta, vete por la r9 280x si puedes
  12. si gustas busca en facebook zonag1, es un local de mexicali donde los precios son mas bajos ( ya sabes, frontera) te recomendaria mucho mas que te fueras por por una amd r9 280x, si vez los precios de la pag que te dije podrias ir hasta por la r9 290, como dice el wey de arriba, la 960 es muy poco por tu presupuesto te alcanza para mas, ademas puedes busca precios en amazon, a vece hacen envios a mexico, depende de la pagina pero siempre te informa si se hacen o no envios. por cierto no hagas caso de la psu, esa si es buena.
  13. newer doesnt mean more powerfull, about your budget, i meant to downgrade the gpu, 280x to a 270, may be with that you could put a bit more into your cpu. but i mean 4 cores is ok, i really don't know if that cpu bottlenecks the 280x, but if it don't just go ahead