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  1. Update: I ran another stress test with icue open to monitor temperatures at the request of corsair. and when I stopped the stress test my system crashed and became unresponsive, wouldn't turn on. I got freaked out and immediately swapped out the h80i for the included wraith spire cooler from my 2700x box. and here are the results. Any insight appreciated. the fact that I'm getting consistent temp spikes is kind of concerning.
  2. Hey Guys, I'm idling around 50 c and under load hitting in the low 80s, I attached a quick screenshot of a bunch of info and I can't figure out what the problem would be. but things I think to note: There's a pretty significant difference between the coolant temp in Link and the CPU temp shown by ryzen master and aida, that and the temps don't ever seem to reach equilibrium even after a long while there's spiking. I just want to get to like a decent 4.3 or so nothing crazy but these are at stock speeds and I've got no overhead. Should I get a replacement h80i? should I just put on the stock cooler on? should I plug the pump into the aio pump header instead of the cpu fan on the motherboard, even though the directions said cpu header? Any help greatly appreciated. :D
  3. Just wondering if we can get a review from Linus for this Notebook/Ultrabook Seems like a too good to be true deal. Thin, Attractive, moderately powerful with what appears to be a good quality IPS display panel? Thoughts from the community welcome. I'm a graphic design student and a gamer and I'm trying to figure out if this could be the godsend for me as someone who refuses to work on or pay for a macbook.