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Everything posted by Kevinkt

  1. Deagle blaze is a drop. It's not from cases.
  2. Holy shit, Umm... Athlon II x2 240 I'm pretty sure.
  3. what the hell is that. I never got into gaming on a phone
  4. but but, steam overlay makes you lag. I just alt tab and reply to new posts here, but looking something better to do than youtube/posting to every new post on this forum
  5. Everything I've seen intell CPU jump around like crazy, but when I had an amd cpu it. It never jumped around and stayed at fixed temp@100%
  6. pftttt, I'm doing missions and "trying" to get rare skins to buy gta5. WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT DEAGLE BLAZE DROP.
  7. already watched Wednesday TV shows and can't find shit on netflixs i haven't seen. soo yeah
  8. Intell cpu are fucking weird when it comes to reading temps.
  9. If you do that. go for the 6350 and a cooler. should be better than a stock 8320
  10. an hour later, I'm still in que for back alley and i'm fucking bored. Give me some ideas.
  11. I'm pretty sure this is normal after seeing all Linus videos there one or two cores insanely higher than the rest.
  12. Why isn't Half Life three in there? I mean I have it. Kappa.
  13. Prob World of Warcraft just due to the time I put into it. Even tho I quit in sep. Still so much fucking time.
  14. Later buddy But seriously, People have been doing this for a long time with porn and public figures and etc since the early 90s.
  15. AMD FX cpu are kinda dated. if you can go locked i5 or an i3 it might be better depenting on the game their playing. Hell. I'd say go for a 6350 over a 8320 tbh.
  16. 8320 isn't that old. It should be fine. at most you lose 10 fps in triple A games from the last year over a intel cpu.
  17. well fuck. i guess i'll keep being Enrique Iglesias in counterstrike.
  18. if there game going on in 45 mins. I'll join.
  19. HaHahaha games being too much. Go look at HD movies to buy, or "HD" Music on HDtrack.com. All downloads cost more than any physical copy I mean, Some "HD" music is more than vinyl.... fucking vinyl http://www.hdtracks.com/led-zeppelin-iii-deluxe-edition-177036"HD" http://www.amazon.com/Led-Zeppelin-Remastered-Original-Vinyl/dp/B00IXHC0QY/ref=tmm_vnl_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=&qid=Vinyl. Sure used vinyl is cheater but shit.