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Everything posted by SirStupidMonkey

  1. I am sorry if this has been talked about already. I was browsing Amazon for some computer parts. If you scroll through the pictures on the page, you will find a video of someone that caught my eye. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KGLN3HN/ref=?tag=slickdeals09-20&ascsubtag=13adaa5a935711e9a3f25eb20a345d120INT&m=A29Y8OP2GPR7PE&keywords=NVMe%20ssd Here is also a direct link to the video https://d1y6jrbzotnyjg.cloudfront.net/V3MSA/cd2102473779489bafa6c28f102b0be1/V1/70aa46039add40df93efc3290c1fe4d7/ShortForm-Generic-480p-16-9-1409173089793-rpcbe5.mp4?Expires=1561637177&Signature=aZPsRrysd4lFhLivl1rM~Jk3W~tDytQ8TOaL2ry15ctUm0Pu5t574NSg-055aQosDiPHwbURizURzR9pAXHmS9j2Qpw1GRf~sSBtoHNV8MJSUjxFME1CUaC8WxzVq3-u0mgY9f2UMbyxZG8W-ljLe0uK2C43~IDgf~TuDc2QpxY_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJ62XWKZ35EOVO4XA
  2. Thanks for the input, currently looking at https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kqKBhy. I thought about just doing what I did in the past with mine and getting 8gb sticks whenever I had the budget and have had 16gb for a while now not realizing 8gb just isn't enough anymore. The case is more for me than him since I want a smaller case on my side. The SSD was just a mirror of what I am running and thought it would suffice but, seeing the m.2 SSD is just a 50% more for double the capacity, I would be an idiot not to get it. Any other suggestions are still appreciated!
  3. I am putting together a build for my little brother where he will mainly just play games. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/C79Jmq The GPU is the weak point because that is what I had in my old system. I am looking to upgrade my soon and pass on my 980ti to him. I do have a HDD just laying around to add aswell. Thank you for your time and opinions. Edit Thanks for the input, currently looking at https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kqKBhy. I thought about just doing what I did in the past with mine and getting 8gb sticks whenever I had the budget and have had 16gb for a while now not realizing 8gb just isn't enough anymore. The case is more for me than him since I want a smaller case on my side. The SSD was just a mirror of what I am running and thought it would suffice but, seeing the m.2 SSD is just a 50% more for double the capacity, I would be an idiot not to get it. Any other suggestions are still appreciated!
  4. Rig name: Not Named... Most people call it R2 because it is white and blue...Cpu: I7 4790KGpu: GTX 980 tiRam: Kingston 16GBScore: 11
  5. Vessel Username: SirStupidMonkey As for the links to my favorite videos. https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0 I love when they do builds whether it be a super high end one, or the scrap yard wars one. They are so entertaining. https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy I also love this one because i love benchmarks. especially with these over kill Gtx Titian x in sli. With 5K? It was amazing.