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Everything posted by Tooney712

  1. Disclaimer: I am a patron of this guy, he seems to have a better handle on what Valve is up to than most other places. (I mean with a name like Valve News Network you kinda have to...) Covers the attempts to balance out the Steam Grand Prix over the past couple of days. Also contains speculation about what probably happened internally, namely that the people who regularly design the Steam Summer Sale are busy finishing the Steam UI update that leaked some weeks ago. (Keep an eye out for Linus in the video, while it's not a flattering depiction, he is there.) Links: The Video Itself Steam DB's Screenshots of the new UI
  2. Hey, so I'm trying to help a friend find a good enough gaming laptop - it doesn't need to run the latest games, as long as it's 64-bit it'll be an upgrade to his old laptop. About the only requirement is that it has to run FFXIV at minimal settings. Friend doesn't have a large budget, hence the 500 or under stipulation. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. FFXIV'S minimum system requirements can be found here: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/product/ Please keep in mind the game is getting an expansion in a couple months and the minimum requirements are subject to change, especially since the devs have indicated they are going to abandon 32-bit versions of the game, which indicates a probable increase in RAM for both the DirectX 9 and 11 versions.
  3. Signed up! Vessel Username: Tooney712 Links to liked videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0 https://www.vessel.com/videos/Yj4PbcgKj Good luck you guys!