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  1. Hey all, I currently have the 2016 MacBook Pro Base model that have the following specs: - Dual Core 2GHz i5 - 8GB Ram - Intel Iris Graphics 540 1536 MB - 256GB SSD Im off to university soon and plan on running this monitor, with the laptop for a Computer Science degree. While this laptop is only 1 and half years old, I have two concerns. 1, will the laptop be able to power the monitor without creating a ton of lag? 2, will the laptop be powerful enough to get me through my 4 year course without having to upgrade. The main reason for the second question is because I have the money for the laptop now, but won't half way through my course as an example. With this being said, the new 2018 Model specs Im looking at purchasing are: - Quad Core 2.7GHz i7 - 16GB Ram - Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655 - 256GB storage (maybe 512GB) Another option I have looked into is getting an eGPU for my current MacBook Pro. Would this be beneficial? Thanks for any help!
  2. Hey guys, Im looking to buy a monitor that has the following specs: At least 2560 x 1600 resolution - can be better than this Height Adjustable Tiltable 24-27" Would be cool if you could rotate it by 90 degrees too, but this isn't necessary! Thanks, - Badger
  3. hey im sorry to ask again. Ive decided to switch the 6700 to the 6700k. Ive updated the list and was wondering if you could let me know if the motherboard will allow for overclocking. http://pcpartpicker.com/list/NTF34C Thanks
  4. Thanks for all the help. She needs the 1070 from what youve said, and Ill have a look at a different cpu cooler. Thanks again mate!
  5. its not overclockable. its jjusts the i7-6700! Thanks for the help anyways
  6. Hey so im trying to build a mini ATX build for my girlfriend, and wanted to know if this was the best I could get for this price range. $1700 is my max. http://pcpartpicker.com/list/cBYbLD Thanks!
  7. Wired! Thats the word Ok thanks for the info
  8. Hey guys, So I am looking to upgrade my headset to either Logitech's G933 or their G633. From what I understand the only difference between the two is that the 933 is wireless and the 633 is wirefull (I dont know what the opposite of wireless is ). Is my understanding correct, or is there something I am missing considering the fact that the price difference between the two is quite big for my standards. If there isnt any other differences, is it worth paying the extra amount for the wireless set? Thanks for any input that you may have, - Badger
  9. Ill be carrying a laptop, headset, mouse, maybe a keyboard sometimes, my phone, tablet, clothes, and maybe a few other small things. Ill also be using it for school when Im not travelling.
  10. So yeh, Just wondering what you guys would recommend for me. Thanks, - Will
  11. https://gyazo.com/1bbd4b3f3d47430dc9a27ef0748643f1 What does that mean? Thanks, -Badger