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Midson Alpha

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  1. I want this SSD because USB Type C is the future and it would be awesome to get the jump on this technology. Also more fast storage is always good and boot times on computers is ridiculous.
  2. I have been thinking a lot lately about why imessage is such a loved product. All it does is enable texting and text-over-internet in one app. Google Hangouts does the same exact thing. What's the issue then? Google Hangouts isn't the default app on all Android devices unlike imessenge for Apple. I think that all Android phones should have hangouts enabled by default, with the ability to change to whatever messenger app you want. If all the Android phones are on Hangouts we could come together as a stronger opponent to Apple. This would also help those Apple people to download Hangouts. Oh yeah that too, ios devices can download Hangouts but Android can't download imessage. That doesn't seem right either. If everyone had the same app, we could text or text-over-internet everyone. Since imessage isn't avalible for Android I guess everyone should just be downloading Hangouts
  3. I would love to show off the greatness of PC in my living room. Being able to play my lovely collection of steam games on the big screen would be just so nice. And zotac is an amazing company that sells nice and cheap (price wise only) things such as graphics cards.
  4. My cheap ($17 mouse) is actually pretty awesome, but I need 2 because of my desktop / laptop setup. My second mouse (~$40) absolutely stinks and I really want one with more DPI settings (like my cheap one). Long story short, I could really use another mouse that is as awesome as this one
  5. Thanks for the input, I will take that into consideration and start looking around for some cheap mobos for an Intel cpu as a possibility
  6. Oh and its actually an FX-4100 chip btw but doesn't make much of a difference on the right decision
  7. I agree, I'm thinking about the 8350 ( http://www.amazon.com/AMD-FD8350FRHKBOX-FX-8350-8-Core-Processor/dp/B009O7YUF6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1425349622&sr=8-1&keywords=8350 ) BUT in the future when im not a poor college kid would it be worth it? Or should I go for cheap Mobo and i5 so I can get an i7? Or will intel have new stuff out so the cheap Mobo will be useless with the next gen of chips? Then if I stayed amd I would have to upgrade my mobo to a 990 board to be able to use the high end AMD chips.... So im feeling just the 8350 then once I have hella cash switch to intel and upgrade the gpu
  8. I am thinking about upgrading my system and I am not sure whether to upgrade my CPU or GPU first. I'm pretty sure my CPU is bottle-necking my GPU right now (from afterburner results) so i'm fairly confident that I should upgrade that first but was not 100% sure. What I am going for is whatever will give me the most difference in performance. Like would a better GPU give me more performance in games at 1080p even though my CPU will still be bottle-necking my GPU? http://pcpartpicker.com/p/HgZzsY