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About AltexChris

  • Birthday May 07, 1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Antonio, Texas
  • Interests
    Building, modding, gaming, etc.
  • Biography
    Working w/Altex Computers & Electronics and our retail partners to make awesome systems.
  • Occupation
    I work in advertising for Altex Computers & Electronics, mainly focusing on social media.

AltexChris's Achievements

  1. Update time! We got the panels on! This mod has been so awesome to see come together. I want to say thank you to all the sponsors and everybody who's had a part in this project, it's been an awesome team effort and I look forward to the next project! (Better low light pictures coming soon)
  2. Update Time! We got our custom cables in from Blake over at HexagonPC and boy do they look and feel amazing! And here's a quick shot of the cables plugged in (wire management and other tasks will be done over the next few days to get the build done!)
  3. Hassan over at V1 Tech connected us with Blake at HexagonPC for our custom cables. Here's an in-progress pic of the cables being made! Thank you so much guys!
  4. Thanks for the kind words and helpful feedback! We currently have the loop taken apart so we can make cleaner runs for the tubing. We're also now working with V1 Tech to get custom cabling made for our Cooler Master V1000 fully-modular power supply (overkill for the build for sure ).
  5. We did a test fit and while it looks that way, it fit just fine. We're redoing the runs anyways (probably could've just used flexible tubing for testing purposes, but we didn't have the fittings and made some ugly quick runs out of acrylic).
  6. Rough initial tubing runs and LED test. Everything works, so we'll be tearing it down and re-doing tubing and doing some proper cable management.
  7. Some more updates for y'all. Got the blocks installed and painted the heat spreaders of the Avexir Core Series RAM.
  8. Our parts from EKWB have arrived, so it's time for more pictures!
  9. A few new pictures, our Avexir DDR3-1600mhz kit w/orange LEDs came in and looks absolutely stellar. Avexir makes some pretty awesome-looking RAM and I actually have a 16GB kit of DDR4 w/red LEDs in my personal X99 machine. Also painted our Vardar F1's and part of the Vulture's front panel to match the bare metal look we've got going on.
  10. Going to paint the front panel and the hard drive cage (part with "ANVIL" cut out) to match as close as possible with the aluminum. We're also giving our 360mm radiator the same treatment.
  11. Update time. Who wants to see a cut up EK-Vulture? I do! We'll be stripping it down to bare metal and likely get started painting sometime over the weekend. Acrylic should be coming in this week for the lighting.
  12. I'm pretty sure EK brought a fully-loaded EK-Vulture to PAX East, I'd check their FB page to see if they have pics.
  13. Ah! Forgot a thing. Here are diagrams of the sort of cuts we're getting done to the sides of the case. Still working out the practicality of making these cuts and how it'll impact the sturdiness of the case, but it should give an idea for what we've got planned.
  14. Update time! We're working on getting the case cut and painted over the next week. Still finalizing the parts list for the custom loop, but we're getting there! In the mean time here are a couple shots of most of the hardware we plan to use as well as a motherboard test fit.