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So the eclipse was cool... But pretty overhyped 

  1. Creed1


    Same. We didn't get to see all of it in my area, but people got way to hyped in my area. They were throwing parties and stuff and all that occurred is that it went dark a little. A rain cloud was darker, but instead I used my gear vr and watched a live stream of it which was pretty cool. 

  2. YedZed


    It was pretty damn cool. Made me think a lot more about astronomy.

  3. You_are_a_cunt


    Seen one, seen them all.

    I was in the papers back in '97 as the youngest astronomer present at the local observatory. Pretty nice achievement for a 5 year-old

  4. YedZed
  5. YedZed


    What's a "paper"?


  6. You_are_a_cunt


    It's like all the news on Facebook, but "printer" on "paper". I think they used to call them "newspapers"

  7. YedZed


    K, I did some research, is it like, a kindle, but made of dead stuff?

  8. You_are_a_cunt
  9. YedZed


    I wonder how they keep the batteries from catching fire on those "paper" things.
