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Everything posted by babadoctor

  1. Well, the other thing is that I want to see if it was possible to make my home connection withstand these attacks that don't involve flooding my pipe past it's capacity
  2. Let's say we put an actually powerful computer outside of the NAT with gigabit internet Would this have any affect? Also, I am not sure if it's the connection or the server, but I do know that it does not need more than 160mbps to flood me offline Eventually yes I am hoping by learning how to absorb the attacks I can mitigate these Also, what do you mean by "few dollars a month"?
  3. I'd like to understand why From what I understand, the reason why it goes down in the first place is because my router can't handle all of the packets getting sent. is this incorrect? If I actually flood my own home network, the throughput on the attacking server doesn't need to surpass 160 megabits per second to actually flood my internet, while my pipe is 500 down and 20 up
  4. Is it possible to prevent my local IP address from getting ICMP flooded using a method like this? 1. Place raspberry pi outside of my firewall 2. Allow more powerful machine to absorb the attack than my router ... for example, in the case of an ICMP flood attack, the raspberry pi (or other device) looks like this during the attack 3. Would this absorb the attack? I am assuming that instead of my router receiving the requests it is only the raspberry pi/the computer outside the NAT.
  5. I was working on using zmap for an internet survey of geographic locations for my computer science project. I see now that it was under a range. Okay, thanks so much. I think it may be possible to pull the geographic info of the ranges using whois's API, but i'm not sure. We will see. Thanks a lot.
  6. I'm not very familiar with CIDR ranges, so is it possible that it's in the list, but within another subset? For example, maybe it's under or something, and that's why I can't find it. But that one is not there either.
  7. This is a list of them in CIDR notation that the website gave me: cidr-58f74d4f0d52a5853c2f2ab959145f14.txt
  8. Holy crap! Thanks! Except, I have a question about this list: For some reason, I can't find my ip range on it. Is this list inclusive of residential IP address ranges, or not? https://ipinfo.io/AS20001 Do you know if this list is updated regularly? ... My range is, but it doesn't seem to be there.
  9. How do I find all IP addresses from a certain IANA range? For example: Comcast has a list of all ip ranges they own on this website: https://ipinfo.io/AS33363 I can find out which ones are in a certain region by looking at the whois data. For example: it tells me which ones are in florida https://ipinfo.io/AS33363/ Now here is the question: Is there a map that tells me all IP ranges that are in a certain geographic region of the world? For example: Oakland, Florida. or. tampa, florida. Thank you.
  10. Hello I was looking at CIDR blocks on the internet, and I noticed that when people talk about ip ranges, they use CIDR notation to notate the subnet they are referring to So for example: is equivalent to is equivalent to 192.168.1-255.1-255 and so forth. Where can i learn the endings? What are these called? Where can I find the equivalencies? (I want to know the CIDR notation for the subnet 192.x-255.x-255.x-255)
  11. streamlink twitch.tv/twitchrivals best --stdout | ./ia upload Test - --remote-name=Test.ts Why won't this work? I'm trying to pipe a live twitch stream from STDIN to upload to internet archive using STDOUT. Any ideas? https://archive.org/services/docs/api/internetarchive/cli.html?highlight=stdin https://github.com/jjjake/internetarchive this should work???
  12. I want to use STDOUT from this program called streamlink and send it to the STDIN of another program that uploads files to internet archive. How do you typically accomplish this? Does it involve asynchronous code? The help page for streamlink says it supports STDOUT https://streamlink.github.io/cli.html#cmdoption-stdout And the help page for internet archive says it supports stdin https://archive.org/services/docs/api/internetarchive/cli.html but... how do you tell it which STDIN I want to use?
  13. When I run ffmpeg -i input.ts output.mp4 what is it actually doing? It seems to re encode the video, but what is it actually doing in this command? I can't find anything about this online, about what ffmpeg does when no params are specified. Any ideas?
  14. Yes, the server does in fact support resume. I use a node js program called http-server, and it has allowed me to seek through to the end with mpv player. (the videos on the video server were also seekable with mpv) Can you specify what you mean by "dumping streams"?
  15. because i don't want to re encode the video because i don't want to download the entire livestream so I can seek to the end and clip it. handbreak requires a local file, no?
  16. so I have been using the following command to get the last 10 minutes of a very very long livestream ffmpeg -i "livestream.mp4" -ss 03:00:00 -t 00:10:00 -codec "copy" "output.mp4" this takes forever if the video is longer than 12 hours. is there really no way to just kind of lob off the end of the video with ffmpeg? why does it need to seek through the entire video to find the end of the video????? it's really stupid and there has to be a better way. This is especially bad when I need to do it over the internet, as it requires downloading the ENTIRE 12 hour video when I can clearly seek to the end of it with my player. Any suggestions?
  17. really? so then the xbox 1 controller wont work? I have a ps2 controller, but the adapters are as much as the actual ps2 controllers themselves.
  18. not sure which subforum this goes in, so here is it possible to emulate a ps3 controller so I can use my ps3 without a real controller? thanks
  19. USB disks will not mount on startup without waiting for them to connect first I do not want to edit fstab because it's risky and people have said it can corrupt your OS Any ideas? (Please ignore the code in comments) EDIT: I added a sleep for 10 seconds and it seems to work now, however this is bad because now every command has to wait for the usb drives to mount before it can run. Any other way I can do this without sleeping and waiting for the USB drives to initalize? Is the solution ASYNC?
  20. babadoctor


  21. My computer occasionally locks up and is frozen. The clock does not change, so I assume it has crashed or something. This has happened twice in the past 2 weeks I am forced to hold the power button down to get it to reset. What could be the cause of this? Dying SSD? I checked the smart data and nothing is out of the ordinary. OS glitch/instability problems? Dying graphics card? The oldest thing in my computer is my samsung EVO SSD from 2015 Any ideas?