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  1. The scarlett solo isn't dual input. You should probably save up some more because you'll either be cutting corners on the mic or interface if you don't take advantage of aliexpress
  2. I'm about to pick up the galaxy buds, but I'm just wondering if the cheaper chinesium options are worth going for. I'm really just looking for an option that'll conveniently pair between my watch, laptop, and phone without dropping like the bose truly wireless option. Any wisdom and advice is deeply appreciated
  3. If you don't mind waiting, here is the ultimate price to performance setup: Mic : $27 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32974286128.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.2fa059099hpihw&algo_pvid=8f75026f-783a-4b33-b57f-84b76eaa8238&algo_expid=8f75026f-783a-4b33-b57f-84b76eaa8238-1&btsid=16c323bd-1a17-4aac-9dc7-390fc4f54d1d&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_2,searchweb201603_55 Mic arm from amazon : $10-20 And depending on if you're interested in two inputs for an instrument, you can just get the Scarlett solo for $110 from amazon, or get the 2i2/ur22/etc if you want two inputs The mic is an e945 clone, but sounds better than all my friend's mics who spent sometimes up to 10x. I know it sounds a little sketchy, but trust me, the sound is fantastic
  4. I was just wondering what Directx is, and how it works. I looked up linus tech for a video, and I didn't find one! Maybe it's a dumb idea, but I'd definitely watch it
  5. I've just began learning FL studio, and Sony Vegas, so this cpu would definitely help a lot. I also use a multi monitor setup so it would also help with multitasking! Hope I weeen! Ahh woops. My laggy phone posted twice. Not sure how to delete. .
  6. I've just began learning FL studio, and Sony Vegas, so this cpu would definitely help a lot. I also use a multi monitor setup so it would also help with multitasking! Hope I weeen!