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  1. Just installed my new gpu and when my PC starts up, the card's fans start spinning but after like 30 seconds it stops and nothing is spinning. I go into my PC device manager and the only display adapter is Microsoft Basic Display Adapter... help...? I really hope its not defective. i haven't installed new graphic drivers yet. But i still have my old AMD drivers from my previous card (r7 260x). could that be the reason? do i have to uninstall the old ones for the new card to be properly working and shit? Thanks, Marcus.
  2. Hi, going to buy this http://www.microcenter.com/product/469255/GeForce_GTX_1060_ARMOR_Overclocked_V1_6GB_Video_Card I currently have a Corsair CX 430W PSU. Do I need more for this upgrade? requirement on the page says 400 but is 430 too close? Thanks!
  3. So, just yesterday, my PC froze up and went to a black screen. I restarted 2 times and same thing. Today I tested and found out that around 3-5 minutes after I login and get to my desktop, this weird thing happens. I start seeing this random characters on my screen flash in unison almost. They are like pale/clear colorish... and then if I tried to do something on my PC like ctrl alt del, or anything, it would freeze up even more and eventually, get me to a black screen. I have some pictures/videos to show but I want to say a few things: I tried booting in Safe mode and the problem did not happen, I ran anti virus scan in Safe mode and it detected nothing. I tried rolling back graphics drivers from device manager and that seemed to have worked at first, but then the problem happened again a little later. Here are the pics and videos: 20170610_141859_1.mp4
  4. Here's a bunch of info: CPU: I5-4590 MOBO: ASRock H97M Pro4 -Socket: LGA 1150 -Chipset: Intel H97 Chipset -Micro ATX
  5. I'm not quite sure. I'm just trying to get the latest of whatever it is I need. Do you know how I can check? Is the name in the screenshot that could help find the package?
  6. So recently, I opened my Intel Driver Update Utility and it said there was a new version but when I clicked download now from the program nothing happened. Saw the error online so I uninstalled the Utility and reinstalled the newest version. However, now when I open the program (IDUU) I click "Scan for driver updates" button and once it finds the driver that I need to get I click Download, and then Windows says the program has stopped working: http://prntscr.com/ee8euu I have tried reinstalling the Intel Driver Update Utility 3 times already, as well as restarting my PC. I also tried right clicking the program and trying to Troubleshoot through it through Windows. I have Windows 10 btw. Any idea why it keeps crashing every time I try and get a new driver? Thank you in advance! -Marcus
  7. I almost understand it all. But what do you mean by format the driver in 2nd paragraph?
  8. Essentially, how do I reinstall windows? Do I use the disk that I bought 2 years ago which is windows 8.1 or what? I'm really confused about this sorry.
  9. I know this is a dumb question. But I've never really done it before, I do I make a Backup?
  10. So, I have an AMD Athlon x4 760k that is with my MSI a78m-e35 fm2+ motherboard currently. For my birthday, I decided to buy an Intel i5-4590 with another mATX motherboard which is the ASRock H97M Pro 4 LGA1150. I know how to uninstall the old cpu and motherboard and put in the new hardware but after that, is there anything else? I heard that if you were switching chipsets like I am, that you would have to do a clean install of windows because the os wont recognize the new chipsets and shit. But I also heard if you have Windows 10 (Which I do), then you don't have to do a single thing but put the new hardware in and get the new drivers. I am really stressing on this, that I will lose all my data or some shit. Thoughts? Thanks in advance! Edit: Just upgraded all the hardware, started up the system and it literally booted exactly like before. I signed in all my data the same had to do some updates obviously and some verfication things for windows but nothing intense. Thanks for everyone's help!!! i lov u all <3
  11. Hi, So, I got this program called HWMonitor to check the temps of my cpu. And for some reason it showed this: http://prntscr.com/aq5es1 I am pretty certain this is too hot however I computer started up literally an hour ago and I am not even gaming when I took this screenshot. My PC is nowhere near loud and when i feel it, it's cool asf. This has to be an error right? Everytime I close the program and recheck it never changes drastically. Is my CPU actually this hot??? Thanks!
  12. So I have a decent PC. It's a build from Austin Evans. His $500 "Photon" build. It has worked well for me but I wanna upgrade. I already checked with a PSU calculator online that if I add a 960 to this build and instead of the r7 260x then I will still have enough watts. BUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTT............. I have one main concern........ Will it be a bottleneck since im pairing the 960 with the Athlon x4 760k????? I really want this new GPU but i just don't know if it will be......... worth it........... please someone give me some help......
  13. just tried #2 and 3. still hasn't worked :3