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  1. Hey everyone To start off im not sure if this is the right place to post so tell me if it isnt So i have created a wooden siding texture snd displacement map in sketchup with vray but i am getting very blurry and weird shadows l, can someone tell me what is causing it and how it can be solved? thanks and have a nice day ~max
  2. If i buy the modules now, will i get acces to the full game when it launches? Or is there like a special package that gives me acces mow and also when it comes out? Great Q&A btw!
  3. hey everyone, ive recently seen some videos and reviews on the combo fx8320 with an r9 290. it says that it will perform really bad on bf4 is this really that bad of a combo and can you give an estimate on the fps in bf4 on what settings have a nice day ~max
  4. I suppose that would be the fiat multipla
  5. Will the extra 100 be worth the fps I get more?
  6. Hey guys, Im planning on building my new system with an fx-8320. Im still not certain on my gpu, im choosing between the r9 280xq and the gtx 970. Which wil get me the best fps in the following games: bf4, fc4, acu and skyrim Have a nice day, -max
  7. thanks for the replies, but the extra 40-80 dollars wpuld be too much, i think im gonna stick with the 8320 and take the mushkin silverline ram. thanks anyway for all the tips
  8. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/8v36mG heres the pcpartpicker link, the case is an aerocool strike-x xtreme(it was not listed on pcpp) the hdd does not matter for now. i would like to know if the 8320 will bottleneck the 970. also id like to knoe if theres an intel counterpart (cpu + mobo) that will be better for the dame money or cheaper have a nice day ~max
  9. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/8v36mG this is my build, the case is an aerocool strike-x xtreme (was not listed on pcpp) i would appreciate any feedback, if there is an intel cpu and motherboard that can maybe do it better and potentially cheaper i would definately like to know ~max
  10. Hey everyone, Im planning on buying an fx-8320 and an msi gtx 970 to go along with it My question is though if the 8320 will bottleneck the 970. Have a nice day ~max
  11. hey everyone, while discussing gpu's with my friend, he said he expected a price drop in the r9 200 series (r9 270, 270x, 280, 280x, 290, 290x) when the new 300 series comes out. i'm not sure if this is correct so i'd like to know have a nice day ~max
  12. hey guys, ive been wanting to build my first pc but im not sure if my cooler is compatible with my motherboard, ram and case. here's the link to pcpartspicker: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6bY6yc, please note that the case has to be an aercool strike-x xtreme instead of this one since they didnt have the xtreme version. thanks and have a nice day ~max
  13. hey guys, I did some research on stock cooler on fx-8350 and decided to go with fx-8320 and a hyper 212 evo, here is the new pcpartpicker link: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6bY6yc please tell me if it is an improvement or not ~Max