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I'm going to switch to BD for archiving. Far cheaper per GB and the good quality discs should last as long if not longer than my DVD (which are bottom of the barrel dirt cheap brandless discs).

  1. Dabombinable


    Just make sure that the BD are ones made using an inorganic dye. The cheaper ones with organic dye are more akin to DVD in regards to longevity (aka ignore the marketing BS on the organic BD).

  2. Dabombinable


    That being said, with some of my late 80's 5.25" floppies and early to late 90's 3.5" diskettes being intact, proper storage is still the key to keeping discs from becoming corrupt..

  3. Dabombinable
  4. Dabombinable


    None yet, just started looking out of curiosity tonight, did my research and discovered that DVD are kind of pointless for storage now, and that there are some caveats when choosing BD. Beacuse when I switch to something new (or newer), I want an upgrade in all areas. And so far I've been able to keep up that philosophy.

    And I've noticed as well that Verbatim discs are more common. I'm still looking for a way to tell the difference between the original/good inorganic discs and the newer/shit organic ones. Either way, they cost lest per GB (for me at least) while requiring less space. Especially the dirt cheap ones (which would have to be no better than generic DVD).
