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About TheMrBeb

  • Birthday December 6

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Australia, Victoria
  • Interests
    art and nerdy stuff etc.
  • Member title
    Junior Member
  1. http://au.ign.com/articles/2015/03/24/amazon-france-lists-bloodborne-for-pc @Nonco @Jerakl @daniellearmouth
  2. and should I wait until it comes to PC or simply by a PS4 and deal with it?
  3. okay so it's clear that a big ass Ethernet cable is the way to go, our only issue from there is putting it through a hole in a wall (plaster, insulation then brick I do believe) and then cleaning it up so that it doesn't look ugly af...
  4. would there be an issue with the insulation on a standard Ethernet cable if you were to run in underground or would it be okay? @samcool55 @techguru @ZetZet @Leonard @Soplias
  5. Only problem with that is drilling a hole in the side of the house. Unless we run it under the house through the floor (just realized that's a possibility)
  6. This isn't LinusGardeningTips (They're not dead). Because the house is built on a hill.
  7. We've tried using Ethernet through Power but unfortunately the studio isn't on the same power circuit as the house
  8. So baaaaasically me and my friend often hang out in our studio/mancave but the main issue is the Wifi/Internet connection right now is appalling. The current setup is: Modem and router in the study inside the house, and a wifi extender that sits on the framing shown in the photo below (halfway between the studio and the router) when we wanna hang in the studio We've tried using Ethernet through Power but unfortunately the studio isn't on the same power circuit as the house To the left is the mancave and to the right the house So my question to you folks is how would you go about getting decent internet without running a long ass Ethernet cable from the one place to the other?
  9. Hey, I've been CS GO for a while now consistently at 40-50 ping, until today. As soon as I started playing today I got 100-150 ping consistently on any Australian server including community servers. When I pull a weapon out the animation and sound will often play twice. Everything is delayed and its pretty unplayable. Here are the things I've tried Reset Router Restart Computer Reset Modem Checked for downloading family Closed any background applications Checked speed test to see if its my connection to the ISP HEEELP!
  10. For most of the photos I use a Canon 5D with a 22-77mm Zoom lens For the SSD photo? That one is a old poopy Sony DSC-H9. You cant even change the lens.