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Everything posted by CornOnJacob

  1. Just installed the xkcd subsitution extension for chrome. This is confusing but hilarious.

  2. What's with Google using Texas Instruments chips? The Moto 360 really suffered from it, and the preview Google Glass already had bad battery life.
  3. I guess it just seems bad because I've only experienced 11th grade so far. At least college apps are done by the time winter comes around. I'm taking 4 AP classes right now, and next year I'll probably drop it down to 3, so that's why I'm expecting it to be easier.
  4. IDK if you were talking about me or ddbtkd456, but I wasn't online when you posted. It really is a shame that so many people are leaving, but it's not like the community is dying. A few notable people are gone, but many new ones are joining. I can definitely still keep this running, I just get busy. I don't know your age (or the age of the other participants), but I'm a junior in high school which is the hardest, busiest year (even more than senior year) if you are planning to go to a high-caliber college (which I hope to do). I'm lucky if I make one post on the forum per day. Thanks for your suggestions guys! Really appreciate them
  5. CornOnJacob

    I'm actually quite serious. https://farm8.stati…

    Do you just want to do that to say you did it?
  6. CornOnJacob

    Scantron master race!

    My history teacher jokes that when they run the scantrons through the machine after exams it sounds like machine guns firing. (Each incorrect answer gets marked with a *ka-chink*)
  7. CornOnJacob

    I'm TAing for a Computer Tech class on Friday a…

    Thanks! The Profosist has a keyboard mod log that I might show to the class as well, as an example of the kinds of things that can be done.
  8. CornOnJacob

    Got impersonated on Twitch... -.-

    Immolation is the sincerest form of flattery. Uhh, imitation.
  9. CornOnJacob

    I'm TAing for a Computer Tech class on Friday a…

    For this "presentation" I'm going to talk about membrane vs mech vs buckling spring keyboards, the ibm model M, and show Linus' video touring Cherry. Am I missing anything important?
  10. I'm TAing for a Computer Tech class on Friday and I plan on talking about keyboards (teacher knows im into tech so he lets me present to the class every week). Suggestions for things to talk about?

    1.   Show previous replies  2 more
    2. CornOnJacob


      Thanks! The Profosist has a keyboard mod log that I might show to the class as well, as an example of the kinds of things that can be done.

    3. IdeaStormer


      Ergonomics, no amount of mech. keyboard tech will ever help if you can't type due to bad ergonomics. I know its not tech but hell it will get you in the end.

    4. Vitalius


      ^This. My left wrist is starting to ache because of the angle I type at. Ergonomics are king.

  11. Use the modulus operator (%). It returns the remainder of division instead of the quotient. For example, 10/3=3 (remainder 1), but 10%3=1. Just use the modulus and divide by 2. If the number is even the result will be zero, otherwise it will be 1. //pseudo-codenumber = 6if (number % 2 == 0) { //even numbers do thing} else if (number % 2 == 1) { //odd numbers do other thing} Oops, ninjaed. The above posts are much more concise.
  12. CornOnJacob

    Final preparations for tomorrow have been made-…

    @WinNut what schools are you trying to get into?
  13. CornOnJacob

    Final preparations for tomorrow have been made-…

    Best of luck man!
  14. Congratulations to @Enderman for winning Contest #55! @ddbtkd456 will be sending a prize your way soon. Contest 56 is finally live: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/238860-build-off-56-budget-build-low-end-build
  15. Welcome to the 56th LTT Build-Off! The rules and previous contests can be found here. Budget: $600 Speakers/Headphones: No Mouse: No Keyboard: No Monitor: No Submissions: October 25th through 31st Voting: November 1st through 6th This is a pretty straightforward budget-build-battle. Either optimize it for gaming or HTPC use (bonus points if you can do both), and tell us which one in your post. May the best builder win!
  16. CornOnJacob

    Heading out soon for foods.

  17. CornOnJacob

    Finally have FTL.

    FTL is AWESOME! I love that game. The soundtrack is great too (and if I remember correctly, very cheap). I actually set one of the songs as my ringtone.
  18. CornOnJacob

    Enlighten me please!

    It's actually a "caret" mark, which comes from the Latin "careo, carere, carui, caritum" meaning "to lack." Which is why you use it when you are missing something in a sentence (it is lacking).
  19. CornOnJacob

    If people knew this then there would be a lot l…

    Subways are one thing, but people who get killed by walking on normal train tracks are just stupid. Why can't you spend your time doing anything besides standing in front of trains? Darwin Awards for everyone!
  20. Voting for Contest 55 is finally up! Cast your votes now: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/223651-build-off-55-music-creation-mid-range-build/
  21. Status of Contest 55: (http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/223651-build-off-55-music-creation-mid-range-build/?p=3138050)
  22. Sorry for not putting up a poll, everyone. Yom Kippur started Friday night, and I didn't go on my computer until Sunday, and then I had to work all day. By that point I decided to just wait and give everyone a full week to vote and get back on schedule. Updated dates are in the OP. I know this sounds like a lot of excuses, which it is, but I'm incredibly busy this year (I really shouldn't be on the forum right now ). Please bear with me for any delays or adjustments to contests. Thank you!
  23. 8 bit makes a more cinematic experience, thank you very much. Don't you know that the human eye can only see 8 bits?
  24. The next build will definitely be a "budget" build, but I hadn't thought about the specific details. I can definitely do this for the next contest.
  25. What he is trying to tell you is that you should not post your build in this thread, and do it in the actual contest thread linked at the top of the OP. In addition your build is waaaaaaaaaay over budget and improperly formatted. Please read through the rules and guidelines before submitting an entry or voting. Thank you!