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Posts posted by SinsOfSeven

  1. Just now, JDE said:


    SF450 is SFX, not really good option. Would recommend SeaSonic G or EVGA G3 over that.

    I did say like, and its a mining rig. not everything has to fit, though I guess we should assume OP wants it to fit.

  2. The real question is what are mining JK, tho that can be important, dont want to waste your time on bitcoin. The CX550M should be fine, if power was important I'd recommend a higher efficiency rating like the corsair SF450 but only if you're only gpu mining should you drop wattage. But since power isnt an issue, just pickup the 550 its a s solid 50$ option. rather than a 90$ option.

  3. This is a .bat script that temporally sets the APPDATA folder to a different folder to allow minecraft to be run off a flash drive.  It also has a built in version switcher. I used this to play minecraft at school. More to showoff than to actually play. Its value is probably less since minecraft does those things now. However this works with hacked clients that allow you to play offline multiplayer with any username. These hacked clients only work up to release 1.5.2 but it can be fun to go back in time sometimes. It also has an ASCII grass block. I thought it was a nice touch.

    @echo off
    color 0a
    title Minecraft
    If Not Exist .\Minecraft\.minecraft\bin\ (
    color 07
    Echo   Minecraft has yet to be installed in this folder. 
    Echo   Please hit enter and run it for the first time.
    Echo   After this, you will be able to run the version selector
    Pause >Nul
    Set AppData=.\
    Del .\Minecraft\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar
    Echo                                +#++           
    Echo                              +####+#+         
    Echo                            +#+#++++###+       
    Echo                          #++++###+++#+++#     
    Echo                        #+##+###++#####++:+#   
    Echo      Minecraft        ##:##+#+##+++++#+#+##+  
    Echo ===================   ''#++#+#++#++##++##+;+  
    Echo                       '''''+#++##+#++#+;+;++  
    Echo  A. 1.2.6 (Alpha)     '''+'####+++###+;;;+++  
    Echo  B. 1.7.3 (Beta)      '''+'';''##++++;+;+++;  
    Echo  C. 1.5.2 (Release)   ''''+';';';;;;+;+++++;  
    Echo                       '''''++'+'''+++++++++;  
    Echo ===================   ';;''++'''++++;+++;+++  
    Echo                       ''''''+;'''+;++++'+''+  
    Echo                       '''''';';''++++;;+++;;  
    Echo                        ,'+'''''''+++''+'+;:   
    Echo                          :;;;'';'+'+++;;:     
    Echo                            ,''';;++'+;:       
    Echo                              :'''++;:         
    Echo                                '++:            
    Choice /C ABC /N /M "Choose"
    Pause >Nul
    If %ErrorLevel% EQU 3 (
    Copy /B .\Jars\1.5.2\minecraft.jar .\Minecraft\.minecraft\bin\ 
    Set AppData=.\
    If %ErrorLevel% EQU 2 (
    Copy /B .\Jars\1.7.3\minecraft.jar .\Minecraft\.minecraft\bin\ 
    Set AppData=.\
    If %ErrorLevel% EQU 1 (
    Copy /B .\Jars\1.2.6\minecraft.jar .\Minecraft\.minecraft\bin\
    Set AppData=.\


  4. I was reading though and saw you said you stream, once again the 1070 is capable of doing that but I just saw a 1080 on newegg for 520. Another really important thing to keep in mind when buying highend gpu's to to make 100% sure you get one that you can plug in and that will fit in your case. And make sure you wont overwhelm your power supply.

    • Make sure it fits
    • Make sure you have the power connectors and if not get a molex adapter
    • Make sure your power supply is a high enough wattage, around 500 is good 650 is defiantly fine even with a high end cpu.
  5. The real question is, what are you doing with it and can you really afford the 1080. I myself own a 1070, its absolutely worth buying if you want to play any games at 1080p. You don't need 144 fps in AAA titles like the Witcher 3 anyways; 60 is enough and it will handle that. Since you have a high refresh monitor I assume you play a competitive game. If you have to lower the settings a little bit so be it, but it can play most esports at 144fps. If the main monitor has G-sync of Adaptive sync you should try to match for that. the RX580 is basically equal to the 1070. Its really up to you. I will say, I got my 1070 when the 1080 was still much more expensive and now that its about 100 dollars differance its probably worth getting the 1080. 480ish for a 580 or 1070, 580ish for a 1080 although there are 1080s that are cheaper.

  6. When I saw this review I could only think of the Sony α7 and α6000 series. After reading the replies here I was surprised they weren't mentioned. They are VERY similar to the Fujifilm Mirrorless cameras. Could we get some love for them?

  7. 53 minutes ago, dr4gos said:

    The razer stealth because of the graphic power. I would use for 3d modeling, video editing& rendering, photoshop and programming. And ofc for GAMING

    I think you have the two confused. The stealth is more of an ultra book. And while you CAN do those things it doesn't have the 'graphics power' of the Razer blade. The regular blade is suited more for someone who wants to game or video editing while the stealth would be great for a photographer, artist, or anything buisnessy though I'd throw a skin on it for business.

  8. 53 minutes ago, dr4gos said:

    The razer stealth because of the graphic power. I would use for 3d modeling, video editing& rendering, photoshop and programming. And ofc for GAMING

    I think you have the two confused. The stealth is more of an ultra book. And while you CAN do those things it doesn't have the 'graphics power' of the Razer blade. The regular blade is suited more for someone who wants to game or video editing while the stealth would be great for a photographer, artist, or anything buisnessy though I'd throw a skin on it for business.

  9. I tried to make this post yesterday, but at least I could make it today.

    I had a hard time deciding which laptop I would prefer more. I recently graduated high school and got a job at a local graphics company, so in that respect I could really use the stealth's 4k res 100% Adobe color space and the extra power from the New kabylake prossessor. But I'm not sure I can swing the cost of a core and a gpu so I was thinking of getting the blade because it's an all around heavy hitter and I can buy a larger 4k display for less than the cost of a stealth even with a great color space. Plus I like to play a lot of online games so the stealth will struggle there with no real dedicated gpu. So while I think my vote is for the blade. I wouldn't be upset with the stealth because either would benefit the progression of my career/schooling. Plus I can still do audio recording on either. And 4k feels like a lot at 13".

  10. I tried to make this post yesterday, but at least I could make it today.

    I had a hard time deciding which laptop I would prefer more. I recently graduated high school and got a job at a local graphics company, so in that respect I could really use the stealth's 4k res 100% Adobe color space and the extra power from the New kabylake prossessor. But I'm not sure I can swing the cost of a core and a gpu so I was thinking of getting the blade because it's an all around heavy hitter and I can buy a larger 4k display for less than the cost of a stealth even with a great color space. Plus I like to play a lot of online games so the stealth will struggle there with no real dedicated gpu. So while I think my vote is for the blade. I wouldn't be upset with the stealth because either would benefit the progression of my career/schooling. Plus I can still do audio recording on either. And 4k feels like a lot at 13".

  11. I have a sapphire r7 260x. It does the job at the moment but I want to upgrade to a 1440p panel and pick up some newer titles namely the Witcher 3. This card was good enough for 2 but I wont get the whole experience with a low end card.
