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  1. Price range is between $200 and $300. I'm willing to spend closer to 300 if it's a newer or higher end card. The GTX 960 sounds interesting. It may be the perfect price point for me. I promise I'll make an all AMD build someday and give them their fair shot, but for now, and Intel/Nvidia combo is best for me.
  2. I'm very confused...I want to play the latest games at 1080p 60fps with other settings turned up. I don't know which card to get. The CPU will be an i3 4160 (Dual core, 3.6ghz) until it's too weak to run games. Then I'll upgrade to an i5 or even an i7. As for price...It depends on what I get with the card. I know Nvidia does holiday bonus things, but will they do that for the 700 series? I feel like I'm going to end up with the GTX 760 (how long will this be able to run the latest games?) or a 970 if I find one at the right price this holiday season. Also, things like shadowplay are very important to me. Do the newer cards lack any of these features? (In case you couldn't tell, I'm already sold on an Nvidia card)
  3. Would opting for a 760 instead of a 750ti provide a significant performance boost even with my lower end CPU?
  4. Ah, a lot of passion here . I'm going to use this for gaming mostly. I don't care about the settings too much so long as the framerate is fine. (I don't want to play game on Ultra @ 26fps). I'm also somewhat interested in Dolphin Emulator, though I know my CPU may not be the best for that As for Nvidia only...I don't know. I asked a tech friend and recommended Nvidia. Right now, I'm leaning towards the 750Ti, though I'm going to start considering Radeon now.
  5. Title says it all. 3.6ghz dual core Haswell. A good Nvidia gpu preferrably under/around $150.
  6. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/michaeltrain22/saved/4mmNnQ Is a build I'm considering with the intent of adding a mid-range graphics card down the road.
  7. In that case, I may try to build a cheap PC for the experience, light gaming, and simple image editing. It'd definitely make me more comfortable when I'm building a PC with a lot of money invested in it.
  8. After a summer of research, I feel I'm ready to build a PC. The problem is I don't exactly have the money to buy the parts I want for the ideal PC. I definitely want an Intel i5 processor and a graphics card capable of running the Dolphin Emulator. I want to start with a cheaper processor and no GPU so I can use the computer for now and upgrade it when I'm ready. By "cheap processor," I mean less than $100 (and Intel). I want to start with 4GB of Ram, and eventually upgrade to 8GB. I will feel more comfortable assembling this with cheaper parts, then I can upgrade it at my leisure down the road. As I want to use an Intel i5 processor (its price and performance is are best for me), I will need a motherboard that uses it (and has PCIe 3 slots) as well. I have heard about the Broadwell update coming in early 2015, but I do not know if it will be a viable option for me, it'll surely be too expensive (and there's Skylake coming afterwards). So I was thinking I'd use a low end Intel LGA 1150 cpu for now and upgrade it to a Haswell i5 when Broadwell releases, as I'm assuming Haswell processors will be cheaper after if releases. I've yet to find a build that suits me, so some advice would be appreciated. Sorry if any of the terms I used are confusing, I'm still very, very new to this computer world. Thanks!
  9. I found your youtube channel when my interest in building a PC grew. Although I've yet to build one, I still enjoy the youtube videos and especially streams.