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About Darkinstinct

  • Birthday Jun 17, 1992

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    Jacksonville, FL
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  1. Vessel: darkinstinct favorites: https://www.vessel.com/videos/Yj4PbcgKj https://www.vessel.com/videos/DkWN4qqW1
  2. That is what I’m starting to notice, compatibility is an issue and I keep hearing things about it being a pain to keep it working in the long run... if this thing is going to be useless in a year because of compatibility then he is just going to spend the money on a mac. I was hoping to be able to build it for him to get a better value for his dollar and keep it working like I do for all my friends computers.
  3. he works at a company where everything is an APPLE product, personally I tried to talk him into windows because I will always be able to help him with it but he "loves" OS X because he works with it every day lol
  4. A friend is considering buying a Mac desktop and I was wondering if it wouldn’t be better to just build him a hackintosh than let him shell out money on a mac straight from apple. I ask because I have built plenty of PC's but they have always been for windows, He works with music and was looking to get a new computer because his current one is "past its prime" when he mentioned it to me so I thought I would try the forums and see if I could help him out.
  5. I don’t know but it’s a pretty common complaint, unless you get some 300+ dollar mother board it usually has a completely shit audio output yet sound cards are almost as worthless, AMP/DAC's are pretty amazing investments from what I have heard with all my friends who are much bigger audio enthusiasts than me. I’m just glad I’m not making worthless investments, at least buying these things truly does make a difference in how you experience games and music.
  6. Audacity is actually mentioned in the little starting guide that comes with this AT2020+ mic so I might start with that, fiddle around until I find a barrier in its capabilities later. Does anyone know a good YouTube playlist for learning to audio recording equipment?
  7. It’s amazing but my computer doesn’t have the power needed, after turning everything up its still not loud enough, I used my friends AMP and man did it make these headphones shine so I know it’s my computer that’s bottlenecking them.
  8. so i got the headset and its amazing but now i need to save up for an AMP/DAC
  9. But I wanted the shock mount, if I got that one then I would be buying the shock mount separately
  10. because its a cheap arm and i can just cut the XLR cable to get it off, its got better reviews than any other ones and the arm length fits my desk well. I spent a while looking over my options and this one was the best value, all i have to do is cut that cable off the arm.
  11. thank you im actually pretty excited to start playing around with these DAW's
  12. just to make sure im not reading this wrong, reaper is 60$ right? it had the download button but also a purchase tab so im guessing the 60$ gives me a license to use the program after i download it?