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dsmith750's Achievements

  1. Help, I want to throw out my 360 which my parents use only for netflix and still pay for LIVE.
  2. Favorite Item: The 1100 V2, it seems incredibly functional, and I couldn't see myself being limited in any way by it. Plus, its looks are professional and not overly blingy.
  3. Thank you for everything you've done, Linus. I started watching your videos while searching for an appropriate cpu cooler for a friend, and you've helped me through many component decisions. I don't fully understand why I watch every one of your new videos, but I'm also fine with that fact. You and your team, as well as all the work you do to bring top-notch content to the technological community, make me excited to learn about tons of varieties of new products. You've inspired a curiosity in me, and I'm extremely grateful for that.