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  1. So I was a young boy and curious as to what is inside of a computer.So I did a few hours of research. And then after a month I stumbled across a youtube channel by Austin Evans. I decided that he was cool and I wanted to find more youtube channels like his. Then I found JayzTwoCents. And the. I went to youtube and I had found a youtube channel that has taught me all I know today about pc's. And that Channel Is LinusTechTips. I am only 12 but because of this channel I can build a pc in under 30 minutes and know all the cool little details about computers. I wanted to let you know Linus that you have pulled me out of deep depressions. I have gone through really rough things such as my mom being diagnosed with cancer and my parents will say how terrible I am and they say I wish I was never born. My dad would also beat me. So I would sit in my room for hours at a time balling my eyes out. And then I watched your videos and learned on thing at a time and you helped me realise that I can still put things back to the way they should be. And now that is what I have done. In one month I was planning on building a budget $600 pc with my dad. And another thing is that all of the kids at school have I phones and Ipads yet we can't even afford a phone for me. And we spend more money than we make right now. I also get made fun of by all the kids at school for not being filthy rich and also for being short but you made me realise none of that matters. Thank you Linus. your a big inspiration for me and I want to be just like you. I also would like to get that nice pc build with our guy's signatures. Thank you Linus for everything you have done and I hope you will continue to make videos as long as you plan to. Once again. Thank you Linus.