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  1. I definitely want a smaller pc. I've had my eye on r/sffpc for a while but I really don't know how practical those builds are (cost and performance). I'd definitely want to keep it on the smaller side without sacrificing too much. Mid tower is the largest i'd want. I want to go smaller if I can.
  2. Budget (including currency): 600-700 usd Country: USA Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: Any games, python,MATLAB, and LabVIEW programming. I am a physics student, so any computational workload that could stem from that, I will likely be doing it. Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc): Currently am using a xps 9560 i5 hooked up to an aorus gaming box 1070 through thunderbolt 3. It is awful, as the xps has a horrible power throttling issue that I am done trying to fix (repaste, thermal pads, undervolt....) and ends up running at 800 mhz on all cpu cores more often than not. Have a 3440x1440 monitor that runs at 100hz that I want to power. I know the 1070 probably isnt good enough for that, but I don't want to upgrade my GPU yet. I currently have all of the storage media I need at the moment, and I have access to a windows 10 license through my university. I want to build a smaller tower (dorm living...), either micro atx or mini itx depending on what is most practical here. I think having a water cooled CPU would be dope. No matter what I want this thing to be relatively quiet if possible. My current setup (laptop and egpu) is loud as hell. I haven't built a computer in 8 years, and I am not very familiar with what the latest motherboard/cpu hardware is good and what parts are compatible with what. I know that I want this to be an AMD build, preferably 6 cores or more if possible. I appreciate any help that you guys are willing to give me. I would also greatly appreciate a link to a resource that helps me figure out what modern features are desirable so that I don't miss out on anything new that has developed since I was last in the know about pc hardware.
  3. Anyone have experience with buying a USB C wall wart for charging their laptops? I have a Dell XPS 15 9560 and would like to keep a compact wall wart to keep in my bag, as the regular charger is a little bit cumbersome. Does anyone have any recommendations?
  4. I currently have an xfx Radeon 8500 series in my pc, looking for an upgrade this gpu release cycle is very enticing. Team red all the way!
  5. I'm wondering if this is true as well, If I can use a singular dish that would give mediocre connectivity throughout the school (it is a quite large campus) that would probably be the best option, I don't really need a high speed, just enough for music streaming, reddit, and use of websites that are normally blocked by the strict filter (like YouTube videos that are relevant to what we are learning)
  6. The school is actually pretty much exclusively concrete and brick (built in the cold war), but my house sits above the school in elevation, I probably can't get a direct line of sight either
  7. I wasn't quite hoping to use the same dish solution as linus did in the video, rather some sort of long range extender that could be at my house, i have seen advertisements for extenders that go up to 1.5 miles but im not sure how they will perform in reality.
  8. Greeting LTT forum, Im a student at a high school that has a pretty restrictive wifi network, and that is clogged with users (thousands of students logged in with their phones). After seeing the video about long range wifi, I grew curious, is it possible for me to actually extend my wifi network into my school for my own personal use? i live very close (less than a mile) and wanted to know if this idea was even possible. If it is, i want some help to make it a reality, because that would be really badass. Thank you all in advance!
  9. I dont know the rules to this sort of stuff, but check it out, its NOT mine. http://www.redbull.com/us/en/esports/stories/1331702598722/apex-2015-the-tournament-that-almost-wasn-t **Edit** If interested, check out the twitter #apex2015 and @VGBC_GimR (tournament operator)
  10. Thanks and many congrats to the Linus media group! I have been sucked in by the charm of a real discussion of tech, tech news, and other stuff, i think i faintly remember this guy wearing socks and sandals with blonde hair telling me about stuff i wanted to buy, that guy was a weirdo, thank goodness he is gone. I hope you all know I am joking when i say that, but i am not when i say linus (and luke) have been two of my favorite people in the you tube tech scene from the beginning. No matter what topic you guys are discussing i find it interesting with your quirky commentary and sense of comedy. Ranting aside, you guys helped me discover my love of tech and taught me how to build a PC, pick parts for custom build, and other awesome stuff. You all are awesome and i hope to see 2 million subs within the near future. The surface looks like such a great piece of tech and i feel that I, along with anyone else would be pleased to win one, GL to everyone!