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  1. Id love a new mousepad! Thanks for doing this giveaway.
  2. Vessel : mq1991 Favorited Videos with Comments: https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy https://www.vessel.com/videos/LCoY5zfFf Shares: https://twitter.com/mq1991/status/580513265769426944 https://www.facebook.com/steven.campbell.5074/posts/10205940091478850?pnref=story
  3. Id love a mitx one! Thanks for doing this guys!
  4. This is a great suggestion, but from personal experience I would stay away from the MSI 970a series of motherboards if you can. Especially with the 8350. The VRMs on the boards (g43 and g46) arent quite up to the task. I have an overclocked fx6300 on the g46 and its not doing so good.
  5. haha thanks! That took the longest out of anything. Lots of cutting and grinding! I had it set to fancy graphics, minimal smooth lighting, and particles decreased. with a 12 block render distance If I don't sell it, I will probably put my 5350 in it and hopefully use it for the steam in home streaming stuff! Thanks man! Yes they have, its pretty sweet! I have a few more mods to it that i'm doing before its completely finished, but its pretty close to done.
  6. All done for the most part! Just have to refinish the wood and do some cable management!
  7. Thanks man! It still isnt finished, and theres still quite a few things that need attention. Its getting there though!
  8. poor sized pictures The other motherboard I was using needed the notch in the middle, this one doesnt Just gotta mount the power jack to the metal mesh when I put that in!
  9. A 210 what? haha itll be a little longer gotta reinstall windows due to new processor
  10. Its coming in today! So ill post results later tonight
  11. That was the closest resolution I could get. haha. Yeah it definitely isnt anything revolutionary, but for its size its pretty sweet! The 5350 is on its way, ill post comparisons between the two so you can see the performance gain going for the more expensive processor. Here you go! http://www.artscow.com/gallery/mousepad/logo-bgc4xu17wcf1 The logos on there are -AMD -Steam -Android -Aperture Laboratories -Audio Technica -Taurus Firearms
  12. Its one of the artscow $.99 mousepads! I just used some of my favorite brands! I can send you the design if youd like to order one yourself!
  13. I didnt have an option for 1366x768, so I did 1280x768 2014-04-15 21:22:40 - TS3 Frames: 1945 - Time: 57471ms - Avg: 33.843 - Min: 22 - Max: 46 (Medium settings)
  14. 2014-04-15 13:32:59 - csgo Frames: 2328 - Time: 79171ms - Avg: 30.405 - Min: 23 - Max: 84 @medium settings 1680x1050 2014-04-15 13:36:34 - JustCause2 Frames: 2443 - Time: 92025ms - Avg: 26.547 - Min: 19 - Max: 38 @low settings 1280x720Torchlight ran an avg of 35fps @medium settings 1680x1050 Getting some more later! -Bioshock infinite -Supreme Commander 2 -etc.