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About Zullo

  • Birthday Oct 01, 1995

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  1. Honestly I'm just hoping it comes with even louder speakers, I love that about their phones. I'm sure they'll make it even louder for the next generation. It seems to be their go-to thing to upgrade.
  2. Started playing Rift recently and I noticed that it's being DDoS'd a lot. Trion has confirmed this and it's really starting to ruin their games, not just Rift. Is there something that they can do to prevent this or it is inevitable? All shards are currently down, it's disappointing to see how games can be ruined by a small group of people.
  3. Thanks for the replies guys, I'm hoping "a while" is within 2015. I think it's worth waiting for if it is.
  4. Does anyone know the date (if there is one) for the HTC One M9 or if it's even coming out? I'm planning on getting it when it comes out as I've heard a lot of good stuff about the M8 model. Thanks in advance for any response .
  5. I would love a new phone! I've had my current phone for a while now it'd be nice to get such a nice upgrade .
  6. I remember I was in my old house when I was a kid, my mom and dad were starring at the T.V and saying how sad it all was. I had no idea what what going on though because I was 5, it was only later on when I was a bit older that I understood what happened and how sad it all was.
  7. I'm looking for something more like WoW, but thank you for the response anyway . That looks amazing, I might check this out once it comes out in English, thanks !
  8. Hey guys, I was just wondering on your opinions for a new MMORPG that you could suggest to get into playing. I know that Archage is coming out soon but are there any other promising games coming out? Thanks in advance for any response .
  9. Thank you for doing such an awesome giveaway ! I'm glad to see how far this channel has come and how you and your entire team all took risks and put in a lot of effort to make this channel what it is today. Congratulations on one million subscribers you deserve every single one! You've all come a long way, and I hope to see more for a long time coming .